Saturday, August 30, 2008
Memorable "24" Scenes (Season 6)

"24" Season One Special Edition DVD
The original release of Season 1 was rushed and released right after Season 1 aired on TV so it did not contain many of the special features contained in the subsequent seasons. The original Season 1 DVD did not contain chapter selections, commentaries, deleted scenes, etc. It did have an introduction by Kiefer Sutherland (on the last disc - huh?) and the alternate ending to Season 1 but that was it.
This re-release of Season 1 contains the following special features:
- Season One Introduction By Kiefer Sutherland (on the first disc as it should have been)
- Audio commentary on the series premiere episode by Director Stephen Hopkins and Director of Photography Peter Levy.
- Audio commentary on the season finale episode by actress Leslie Hope (Teri Bauer) and Director Stephen Hopkins.
- Extended and Deleted Scenes
- Alternate ending to the season finale episode.
- All-New Documentary: The Genesis of 24.
- The Rookie Vignettes.
- Letter from the Co-Creators.
The deleted scenes are always interesting and I also really enjoyed The Genesis of 24 documentary.
Also on this DVD are extended scenes that were not shown during the U.S. version of the show but were shown when the show ran in the UK. For example, this DVD includes the scene where Teri tells Nina she's pregnant and Jack's final shootout with the Drazen's is a little longer than the original version shown in the U.S.
This special edition DVD was first released in May 08 and is available at many stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. It also available to order at Amazon.com.
I believe this DVD collection is worth purchasing for any die-hard "24" fan.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Memorable "24" Scenes (Season 2)
Nina's Mind Games
Season 2
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
"No offense Ed, let's face it, you're no match for Jack. You're just not that ruthless." - Nina to Ed Miller
This is a short scene that I've not heard mentioned very often, but I loved it because it illustrates despite everything Nina has done, she still tries to get into Jack's head. The way she does this is what makes the scene interesting. She talks to Jack through the other agent who is also accompanying them: Ed Miller.
The scene begins when Jack, Nina and Ed Miller are riding in a transport vehicle on their way to the airport to fly to Visalia, CA where Nina's contact is regarding the nuclear bomb. Ed is there to chaperone so Jack won't kill Nina. Nina starts talking to Ed when it's obvious she's really talking to Jack. Nina starts telling Jack through Ed about what Jack would lose if he kills her. She even mentions his daughter, Kim. Nina's line "She needs you Jack" was wonderfully delivered by Sarah Clarke.
The last part of this scene is shown at the very end of the episode. Nina's feeling confident because Ed is there, but little does she know, Jack is taking care of the Ed problem. Jack has drugged the water he was drinking and he passes out. Jack then takes out his gun, you can hear him cock it and give a little mischievous smile as if to say "Who's gonna save you now Nina?". It was classic Jack once again and a great way to end the episode.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Memorable "24" Scenes (Season 2)
- Jack Bauer to President Palmer
Season 2
(4:00 pm - 5:00 pm)
On their way back to L.A. from Visalia, CA the plane Jack and Nina were on is shot down and then pursued by a team of commandos wanting to take out Nina. During the gunfight, Jack has to use Nina to handle the ammunition (big mistake) and do recon for him. While Jack is fighting the commandos, Nina manages to pocket a clip of ammo, get a weapon and hold Jack hostage.
Nina offers to tell CTU the location of the nuclear bomb in exchange for immunity for a crime she hasn't committed yet. . . the murder of Jack Bauer!
This is a great scene because of the exchange between Jack and President Palmer. President Palmer very reluctantly agrees to Nina's offer and is clearly agonizing over his decision. This is wonderfully played by Dennis Haysbert.
Jack tries to reassure Palmer that he is making the right decision by allowing him to be killed in order to save potentially millions. The exchange between Jack and President Palmer clearly shows the mutual respect and admiration they have for each other.
This is one of 24's most memorable scenes because of the interaction between two great characters, Jack Bauer and President Palmer. It also shows the core of Jack's character: his willingness to sacrifice everything for his country in order to save innocent lives - even if it means losing his life to the woman who killed his wife.
"24" - Band of Brothers
All Clips Belong To FOX
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Memorable "24" Scenes - (Interrogation) Season 4

- Jack Bauer (Season 4, Ep. 1)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Navy SEALs Help Jack Bauer

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Memorable "24" Scenes (Action) - Season 4

The first is one of the best action scenes from the series.
Season: 4
Hour: 12 pm - 1 pm
Scene: Jack rescues Sec. Heller and Audrey
This scene has everything that is great when it comes to "24" action scenes - shooting, punching, neck breaking, knife play. . . and of course all these moves are executed by Jack.
You can't go wrong with a "24" action scene when Jack taking on all the terrorists by himself. The U.S. Army had a slogan at one time: "Army of One". That is what I think of when I watch is scene: Jack is an Army of one in every sense of the word.
Additional observations:
- The scene starts with the patented Jack Bauer neck breaking of a terrorist. Good way to start a scene like this - Jack taking on the terrorists one-by-one working his way into the compound.
- Jack's slide down the hill with gun drawn - cool move. It probably wouldn't be necesary if it were a real rescue, but it just looked cool!
- The direction by Jon Cassar and the editing were excellent during not only this scene, but the whole episode.
- Erin Driscoll finally realizes there's no use going up against Jack. She relents when Jack says, "I'm not turning back, Erin". She wisely doesn't try to talk him out of what he's about to do.
- Jack finds Audrey before Sec. Heller; he gives her a knife. Nice touch - that knife is going to come in handy later on.
- Liked how Jack and Heller work together from the eye contact between them before Heller flips his chair over so Jack can have a clear path to kill the terrorists to the gunfight outside the compound. It's obvious Heller has a military background as well as Jack.
- The showdown between the terrorist who had the gun to Audrey's head and Jack was great. Good thing Jack gave Audrey that knife. Nice touch with Jack throwing the knife at the terrorist; Jack sure can think fast on his feet!
- The use of real U.S. Marines in this scene was another great addition. The military has worked a great deal with "24" and they do a great job by bringing realism to many of the action scenes.
- One of the great things about "24" is how they can say so much without dialoge. The end of the scene, after Audrey is saved, she hugs her father but looks at Jack. You can see the connection between them and how they would like to be holding each other in that moment but since their relationship was still a secret, they can't. It was subtle, but the look between them said so much without a word of dialogue.
There have been a lot of action scenes in "24" and without question, this was one of the best.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
"24" Theatrical Movie Still Possible?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"24: Exile" Movie Coming To DVD

Two days after the airing of "24: Exile", the movie will be made available to purchase on November 25, 2008. This DVD will contain the two-hour movie plus various extras:
Extended Edition “Creator’s Cut” featuring over ten minutes of never-before-seen footage (not shown in the television broadcast version)
Behind-the-scenes “Making Of” documentary
Children of War featurette
Cast / Crew Commentary (names to be confirmed)
“24” Season 6 in Four Minutes featurette
Season 7 Sneak Peek – First 16 minutes of the premiere episode
This should help those of us with "24" withdrawl have a fix until the premiere in January 09.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
"24" Prequel Movie To Air This Fall

2-Hour Prequel Movie "Exile" To Air This Fall:
Because of the writers strike, the 7th season of "24" was pushed back to January 2009.
Since there is a year-long tortureous wait until the next season, the producers had pity on us die-hard fans and decided to produce a 2-hour movie that will be titled "Exile". This movie will bridge-the-gap between seasons 6 and 7.
The movie will air Sunday, November 23rd from 8 - 10 pm ET on the FOX network.
The prequel movie will be set in Africa (24 actually filmed the movie in South Africe in June 08) 4 years after the end of Day 6 where we will find Jack Bauer doing humanitarian work with an old friend. While there, Jack will get caught-up in a political/military crisis (surprise, surprise) and in the meantime in the United States, a new President is being inaugurated.
What little has been seen so far of this film, the buzz has been very positive. The star of "24", Kiefer Sutherland has stated it was the best script he has seen for a long time.
Is it November yet?
Link To "24: Exile" Trailer (Source: 24Fans.net):