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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Memorable "24" Scenes (Season 2)

"There was only one right choice to make, and you made it"

- Jack Bauer to President Palmer

Season 2

(4:00 pm - 5:00 pm)

On their way back to L.A. from Visalia, CA the plane Jack and Nina were on is shot down and then pursued by a team of commandos wanting to take out Nina. During the gunfight, Jack has to use Nina to handle the ammunition (big mistake) and do recon for him. While Jack is fighting the commandos, Nina manages to pocket a clip of ammo, get a weapon and hold Jack hostage.

Nina offers to tell CTU the location of the nuclear bomb in exchange for immunity for a crime she hasn't committed yet. . . the murder of Jack Bauer!

This is a great scene because of the exchange between Jack and President Palmer. President Palmer very reluctantly agrees to Nina's offer and is clearly agonizing over his decision. This is wonderfully played by Dennis Haysbert.

Jack tries to reassure Palmer that he is making the right decision by allowing him to be killed in order to save potentially millions. The exchange between Jack and President Palmer clearly shows the mutual respect and admiration they have for each other.

This is one of 24's most memorable scenes because of the interaction between two great characters, Jack Bauer and President Palmer. It also shows the core of Jack's character: his willingness to sacrifice everything for his country in order to save innocent lives - even if it means losing his life to the woman who killed his wife.

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