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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ain't misbehavin'

dress code initiated for downtown Santa must wear a coat and tie or skirt no higher than your kneecaps so you don't scare councilmembers Frank Hotchkiss or Randy Rowse!!

who are the two most frightened human beings in Santa Barbara? Frank Hotchkiss and Randy Rowse...both SB City council members brought to the agenda AGAIN the behavior of certain folks who gather downtown..why do they keep doing this? the same old people with the same old stories..."we're afraid to walk on State Street" they cry because the poor folks make them feel uncomfortable..

they want certain behavior controlled, outlawed so some other people don't feel uncomfortable...Frank and Randy insist they are not targeting any particular group but we all know they are targeting the homeless...they just don't have the balls to say it...POOR PEOPLE ARE BAD FOR BUSINESS and they want to round them up and put them in jail!!

the fact of the matter is you can't control my behavior in a free society if I'm not breaking the law...if there is a crime wave in the downtown area, and there isn't, get some cops down there...the city council should fire Cam Sanchez and get a real cop in there to manage the police force effectively....I visit downtown Santa Barbara and have NEVER felt threatened or afraid, except maybe by a drunk in a Mercedes or talking on a cell phone!

but these clowns Rowse and Hotchkiss are just trying to please the Milpas Association, a group of anti-homeless who has monopolized the council meetings! Rowse even went so far to say you should be arrested if you flip someone off downtown... eat it dude!!!

ever heard of FREEDOM OF SPEECH guys....if I want to be uncivil and you can't handle it, that's not my problem, that's your problem....Hotchkiss says he wants to arrest somebody if they are screaming, usually some mentally ill person...he says it might scare a person with a little kid in about over-protective..this is pure nonsense and a waste of the council's time....if mentally ill people scare you, then you should support programs that help them modify their behaviors so they aren't screaming at the moon....and the few business owners crying about crime on their properties: hire a private security service!

and the funny thing is: the SB MUNI code says you can't solicit money from people in a public roadway..can't go out in the street and ask for money from cars at stop signs or signals; yet, once a year the firefighters do EXACTLY that to raise money for some charity..they go out in public traffic and ask drivers to put money in a boot for Jerry's Kids!! what a bunch of hypocrites..Santa Barbara has a mix of all types's street theater..that's what downtowns were created for!! get over it!!

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