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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Boehner Rebukes Obama Offshore Drilling Plan

You can’t say that President Obama didn’t learn about triangulation from Bill Clinton.

Here Obama is attempting to give the appearance of reaching out to the other side by proposing an issue that is not part of his party’s platform in a cynical attempt to peal off some Republicans to his side.

However, John Boehner is calling the presidents bluff.

The Hill reports:

President Barack Obama's plan to allow expanded offshore oil and gas exploration won rebuke from the top House Republican on Wednesday.

House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) dismissed the president's plan as not going far enough in opening up U.S. waters for exploration.
Obama's decision "continues to defy the will of the American people," Boehner said in a statement, pointing to the president's decision to open Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico waters, while leaving Pacific and many Alaskan waters largely closed to exploration.

"It's long past time for this Administration to stop delaying American energy production off all our shores and start listening to the American people who want an “all of the above” strategy to produce more American energy and create more jobs," the House GOP leader added. "Republicans are listening to the American people and have proposed a better solution – the American Energy Act – which will lower gas prices, increase American energy production, promote new clean and renewable sources of energy, and encourage greater efficiency and conservation."
Full story

Via The Hill

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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