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Monday, March 29, 2010

Sen Jim DeMint: Obama Is Mocking Americans

If you haven’t noticed, the Step-N-Fetch It Media is on a defense campaign to protect the Health Reform Law for President Obama.

They don’t bother looking into the merits of what the bill actually does to hurt busyness, the higher premiums that will be paid by ordinary Americans despite Obama continuing to lie otherwise, and the media failing to call him on it.

The press wants to pay a rosey picture that most Americans like the law. However, most Americans, thanks to the media, don’t realize that the benefits don’t kick in to 2014 and beyond.

So, the people don’t have anything except higher taxes, higher premiums, and a very good chance that businesses will lay off more people as a result of losing tax breaks as a result of ObamaCare.

When all that hits people in the face, watch have fast they turn and become disillusioned with President Obama.

From CBS News:

GOP Senator Vows to Keep Up Fight to Repeal Reform Bill, Says Victor of Health Battle "Will Be Known in November"

Republican Senator Jim DeMint accused President Barack Obama of "mocking Americans" who are opposed to the Democrats' health care reform bill, and suggested that, as characterized in his recess appointments, circumventing Congress has become the president's style.

On CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday, DeMint, R-S.C., who had previously claimed that the health care reform battle would be Mr. Obama's Waterloo, declined to admit that the president won his Waterloo.

"We'll find out in November who won or lost this battle," he told host Bob Schieffer.

Saying that more than 60% of Americans want Republicans to continue to fight the bill, even though it was signed into law by the president last week, DeMint said that the law should be repealed.
"I want to repeal it; I want to replace it with real reform that puts patients in charge of their health care again," DeMint said.

"A new poll out this morning in the Washington Post does not suggest that a majority of Americans are against [the bill]," said Schieffer. [The poll said 46% support it and 50% oppose it.]

When asked if Mr. Obama can expect cooperation from Republicans on anything from here on out, DeMint said, "The president has burned a lot of bridges on this health care reform package that he's rammed through Congress and rammed down the throats of the American people. The procedures that were used, the back room deals, the kickbacks have created a lot of bad feelings.

"Now, we're still looking for ways that we can work together with the president, particularly on foreign policy as it relates to the security of Americans. We have to keep that."

But DeMint added, "All of us who believe in freedom in this country recognize that if this health care bill stands, it will not only destroy our health care system, we believe it will bankrupt our country. So to give up on repealing this bill will be giving up on our country, for me and, I think, for millions of Americans.

"Bob, the president is mocking Americans who continue to be against this bill. He said, 'Bring it on' - that's what we intend to do."
Full story

Via CBS News

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