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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

primal scream...

are you afraid of me? well, you should be...I'm very scary! AAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

so I'm reading the News-Press and nowhere does Nipper explain why his website has lost so many Dr. Laura would say: it's sad really.... let's get one thing clear: my beef is with News-Press owners/management, not the people who work and put the paper out each day... ~~~ then I get an email from sometime News-Press investigative reporter Peter Lance saying he wants to discuss something with me, but doesn't say what ...and he calls me Mike... so I write him back and say "the name is Mick, not Mike...what do you want? be brief and to the point...then he writes back and says "forget it, it looks like your time is to (sic) valuable".....what is this.. a murder mystery?? a soap opera? drama queen for a day?? say what's on your mind..if you can't say it, sing it! blimey! ~~~~~ and then there's ol' Terry Tyler on the editorial page talking about the grafitti job at city hall recently..some swaztikas were painted in blue on those nice white walls...Von Caw..swaztika..Von I dint do it but according to Tyler those in the know said it was done to avenge the gang injunction... no it wasn' was done to prove that Chief Cam Sanchez can't even control crime at City Hall!! he's too busy decorating his mansion!! then Tyler says someone told him the news media KEYT didn't cover the story..instead they tried to cover it up...I watched the story on KEYT at 5:00 and 6:00 PM so I don't know WTF Tyler is talking about and I don't think he does either..I hate when people say "someone told them" something but they don't have the spine to name names...he is obviously lying...then he goes on to suggest we put up cameras throughout the city to catch gang members and other criminals! what a stupid idea..most of these guys welcome a camera..they think they are movie stars on TV.....if life frightens you so much that you are afraid to shop downtown, then you need to seek counseling to overcome your fear...I'd help but I'm too busy....

However, I would suggest a smarter way to capture gang members...get a bait car..ever see that show...the cops set up a nice Cadillac Escalade in a poor neighborhood and make it easy to steal..when a homeboy walks by, he can't resist the urge to jump in and drive off..all this is being monitored by the cops who have the car wired so they can stop it and lock the thief in until they go get is so hilarious to watch these dummies fall for it time after time....and get the bait car....set that up in Santa Barbara right outside the police station or some other gang infested area and watch what happens!

now speaking of cars, remember the Harley Davidson dealership in Carp that I had so much trouble with? the war rallies, the fat bald guy chasing me through the Carp foothills, Dr. Laura's frequent visits on her tri-cycle, the "Jesus will help us build a bigger dealership" nonsense....Jesus got fed up with these bozos and they had to sell! that's the Jesus I know and love...the carpenter, the crossmaker, the real guy who doesn't take any bullshit...well, the building has been sold to a guy in Santa Barbara...asking price was $2000000.....he's going to use it as a garage for his cars...the Corvette shop is next door, so it should be cool..I would have liked to see a Triumph motorcycle dealership there, but if that's the way I feel, I should have bought the property, but I didn't, so I should shut up about it!! so my search for the old perfect Triumph motorcycle continues...and I am so glad Harley is gone gone sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...

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