Bien amigos, como ustedes ya vierón en la nota anterior, tenemos dos compañeros ás de batalla aquí en el blog, uno de ellos es David y el otro Rodrigo. David nos envia un video de presentación comentandonos un poco cual va a sr su trabajo y que es lo que va a estar haciendo aquí en nuestro blog. Espero que poco a poco le vayan dando tanto a David como a Rodrigo el cariño y el afecto que me dierion a mi en todo este tiempo desde el primer día que inicié el blog, bien con untedes señoras y señores... David Nemek Prime
Bien, y por ahora finalizamos con las noticias del día de hoy, espero que les hayan gustado, nos vemos la próxima con más noticias. Transform And Rollout!!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Informe de Administración aquí en TransformersGenerations
Bueno amigos, como les comenté en la Sección Universo Transformers Parte I aquí les dejo un video comentando los cambios que van a haber aquí en el blog. Bueno la cuestión que es tengo que ausentarme por razones de la arrera que elegí para estudiar, la cual no voy a mencionar porque no hay neesidad, pero para hacer la arrera que elegí tengo que irme de mi ciudad natal, lo cual no voy a estar muy al pie en el blog, lo más probable es que ingrese dos o tres veces mensuales para ver como va la cosa por aquí y dejarles algo a la pasada mis amigos, pero a no deprimirse porque el blog continua trabajando en conjunto con dos amigos mios que se han comprometido fielemente a mantenerlo en su curso así como lo llevo yo ellos son David y Rodrigo. Mi amigo David tiene su "estudio casero" de grabaciones llamado N95 Studio, donde realiza videos reviews y un video log muy bueno, el cual muy pronto van a ver aquí en el blog, con inviados especiales y entrevistas, muy pero muy bueno, yo lo recomiendo. Y mi amigo Rodrigo el cual tiene una cuenta en DeviantArt y realiza dibujos de Transformers muy buenos, y por último el anal de youtube de su servidor, en el cual podrán ver videoclips, video reviews de Ko's que voy a hacer especialmente para mostrar las mínimas diferencias y por si buscan un transformer que no sea original y de muy buena calidad.
Bien, aquí les voy a dejar los enlaces correspondientes y el video explicativo que mencione al principio de la nota.
Mi Canal de youtube:
El Canal de youtube de David:
Y la página de DeviantArt de Rodrigo:
PD: Perdón, en el video dije "Megatron Fast Action Blaster" XD no me maten, el nombre correcto es "Megatron Fast Action Battlers". Soy un BURRO!!!! XD
Bien amigos, muchisimas gracias a ustedes, porque sin ustedes que son los que visitan el blog esto no sería posible, muchisimas gracias a todos, gracias a los usuarios, gracias a los seguidores y gracias a mis dos amgios, un saludo a todos ustedes por hacer que éste blog este en funcionamiento, bien como esta noche de Semana Santa no termina continuamos con las noticas. Transform And Rollout!!!
Bien, aquí les voy a dejar los enlaces correspondientes y el video explicativo que mencione al principio de la nota.
Mi Canal de youtube:
El Canal de youtube de David:
Y la página de DeviantArt de Rodrigo:
PD: Perdón, en el video dije "Megatron Fast Action Blaster" XD no me maten, el nombre correcto es "Megatron Fast Action Battlers". Soy un BURRO!!!! XD
Bien amigos, muchisimas gracias a ustedes, porque sin ustedes que son los que visitan el blog esto no sería posible, muchisimas gracias a todos, gracias a los usuarios, gracias a los seguidores y gracias a mis dos amgios, un saludo a todos ustedes por hacer que éste blog este en funcionamiento, bien como esta noche de Semana Santa no termina continuamos con las noticas. Transform And Rollout!!!
Imagenes previas de Transformers Ongoing 5
Si bien no son muhas pero por lo menos es un adelanto de lo que se viene en la nueva continuidad de los Transformers, al parecer hay problemas y graves, y si creen que Optimus tiene priblemas por estar encarcelado esperen a ver como le va al resto de los Autobots y com.... bueno, ya di mucho adelanto de como va a ir la cosa. Si quieren saber que va a pasar esperen a que postee el núero 5 para descargar.
PD: después de Semana Santa les prometo que ya les traigo traducido al español por completo el número cuatro de Ongoing ya que solo lo había subido en ingles bien... Transform And Rollout!!!

PD: después de Semana Santa les prometo que ya les traigo traducido al español por completo el número cuatro de Ongoing ya que solo lo había subido en ingles bien... Transform And Rollout!!!
Y para que vean que no me gusta dejarlos con las ganas, aquí les dejo dos imagenes más para su deleite.

Elizabeth Taylor: No More Surgeries For Me

I always was a fan of Liz, although the peak of her career was before my time. One of my favorite movies, Giant, stars her, Rock Hudson, and James Dean in his last film before he died in a car crash.
Its well worth picking up the DVD of one of the finest movies ever made directed by George Stevens.
From The National Enquirer:
After more than a hundred operations in the past 25 years, Hollywood icon Liz Taylor says finis!

The superstar, 78, has reportedly told friends and family she won't go under the knife any more no matter how much pain she's in.
Taylor who's been in poor health most of her life after falling off a horse in National Velvet has already been rushed to a hospital 3 times this year.
Liz's long list of surgery included having both hips replaced and five operations on her back. Medical problems for the Suddenly Last Summer star have also included a brain tumor, skin cancer, diabetes, pneumonia, seizures and a stroke.
Full Story
Via National Enquirer
The Last Tradition
Did Erykah Badu Go Too Far in Window Seat Video?

Did she go too far?
Hmm, group think, huh?
A person who is a afraid of expressing themselves for fear of being ostracized by the wider public?
Oh, really?
You mean like when a Black person dares to be a Conservative and refuse to go along with the rest of the sheep and vote for the Democrat Party because they’re supposed to?
I think Erykah is on the money here. Ya’ll better recognize.
The Last Tradition
Más Imagenes de War For Cybertron
Asi es, aquí les dejo siete nuevas imagenes de War For Cybertron publicadas por la pagína IinsideGamer . Espero que les gusten.
Transformers Unite For The Universe ATRASADA
Si, según confirmó Takara, los rumores de que la línea de Transformers "Unite For The Universe" no será cancelada, sino que sufrió un retraso debido a la cancelación de las preordenes de la Toys 'R Us e informan que la línea tendrá un plao de salída hasta el mes de Agosto o Septiembre.
Visto en:
Leonad Nimoy en Transformers War For Cybertron
Asi es! el Sr. Spock como muchos de nosotros lo conocímos estará otra vez involucrado en Transformers, y ésta vez estará en el video juego de TF: War For Cybertron. Leonad Nimoy ésta vez (su papel en Transformers por priméra vez fué en la película de 1986 como Galvatron) hará la voz de "Zeta Prime". Para muchos de los que seguramente se estarán preguntando quien demonios es Zeta Prime, en ésta versión de la serie será el antecesor de Optimus Prime en la dinastia Prime en Cybertron (me pregunto que habrá pasado con Sentinel Prime, recordemos que en realidad verdadero antecesor de Optimus es Sentinel).
Nemoy tendrá también el papel de otros personajes dentro del videojuego, también contará con la presencia del señor Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), James Remar quien tomará el papel de Megatron y a Doug Parker quien hará a Starscream.
Recordemos que el juego será lanzado a la venta enEstados Unidos a finales del mes de Junio de 2010.
Criminal Minds - 5.08 "Outfoxed" (Rebroadcast)

"Outfoxed" - While tracking a family annihilator, the BAU must seek advice from "The Fox," one of the most horrific killers from the team's past who has an ominous message for Agent Hotchner, on a rebroadcast of CRIMINAL MINDS, Wednesday, March 31 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. (Originally broadcast 11/18/09)
David Rossi................................ Joe Mantegna
Aaron Hotchner....................... Thomas Gibson
Emily Prentiss........................... Paget Brewster
Derek Morgan.......................... Shemar Moore
Dr. Spencer Reid........... Matthew Gray Gubler
Jennifer Jareau................................. A.J. Cook
Penelope Garcia.................. Kirsten Vangsness
Det. Anne Hudson............... Andrea Thompson
Karl Arnold (The Fox).................... Neal Jones
Miranda.................................... Kristina Klebe
Jim Fallon......................................... Jim Fallon
Lucy Downey....................... Savannah Lathem
Laura Downey................................ Hope Levy
Ronny Downey............................. Joshua Rush
Paul Downey................................. Sam Cohen
Marissa.................................... Marissa Armijo
Captain Joseph Downey.................. Neill Barry
Guard................................. Noah James Butler
Garrett Pain............................. Lorin McCraley
Dani Forester........................ Sydney Sweeney
Samantha Forester................... Maria McCann
Nick Forester............................. Dylan Matzke
Jane Young.......................... Kimberly Crandall
Stacy Young......................... Dominique Grund
Billy Young................................ Joseph Marsh
WRITTEN BY: Simon Mirren, one of the series' executive producers
DIRECTED BY: John Gallagher
Aaron Hotchner....................... Thomas Gibson
Emily Prentiss........................... Paget Brewster
Derek Morgan.......................... Shemar Moore
Dr. Spencer Reid........... Matthew Gray Gubler
Jennifer Jareau................................. A.J. Cook
Penelope Garcia.................. Kirsten Vangsness
Det. Anne Hudson............... Andrea Thompson
Karl Arnold (The Fox).................... Neal Jones
Miranda.................................... Kristina Klebe
Jim Fallon......................................... Jim Fallon
Lucy Downey....................... Savannah Lathem
Laura Downey................................ Hope Levy
Ronny Downey............................. Joshua Rush
Paul Downey................................. Sam Cohen
Marissa.................................... Marissa Armijo
Captain Joseph Downey.................. Neill Barry
Guard................................. Noah James Butler
Garrett Pain............................. Lorin McCraley
Dani Forester........................ Sydney Sweeney
Samantha Forester................... Maria McCann
Nick Forester............................. Dylan Matzke
Jane Young.......................... Kimberly Crandall
Stacy Young......................... Dominique Grund
Billy Young................................ Joseph Marsh
WRITTEN BY: Simon Mirren, one of the series' executive producers
DIRECTED BY: John Gallagher
24's Ten Greatest Moments (IGN TV)
Jack's days are numbered. So is this countdown of the most memorable events in the shows history.
by Hilary Goldstein
SPOILER ALERT: We're counting down the best moments in the show's history. It is top-to-bottom all spoilers.
After eight long days/seasons, Jack Bauer is calling it quits, as 24 comes to an end this season. 24 launched in November 2001, at a time when Americans were eager for someone to kick the crap out of any terrorists who would dare threaten our nation. We couldn't find a better fictional protector than Jack Bauer. He'd sacrifice anything for our safety and cross the line that, in the real world, most would be against crossing.
24 was a revolutionary idea -- a fictional story told in real time over two-dozen episodes. It brought us picture-in-picture scenes, the famed countdown clock and a bloodlust for beloved characters.
When we think of the "best" moments, they are almost always the worst moments for Jack. These are the moments that made us gasp, made us cry and even made us cheer. Here are our 10 favorite moments (plus one honorable mention) from 24.
24 was a revolutionary idea -- a fictional story told in real time over two-dozen episodes. It brought us picture-in-picture scenes, the famed countdown clock and a bloodlust for beloved characters.
When we think of the "best" moments, they are almost always the worst moments for Jack. These are the moments that made us gasp, made us cry and even made us cheer. Here are our 10 favorite moments (plus one honorable mention) from 24.
It's well-established that Chloe O'Brian is not a field agent. She's a computer geek and confidant for Jack Bauer. But on Day 4, there was no one else available to retrieve a hard drive with some crucial data and secure a witness, Nabilla Al-Jamil. It was supposed to be an easy job; it was not.
Robert Morrison, a hit man, was sent to kill Nabilla. In one of the craziest scenes in 24 history, mousey Chloe O'Brian pulled out an assault rifle and took down a professional killer. It's rare for 24 to have moments that get you on your feet, but cheers from 24 fans could be heard around the world when Chloe finally took action. It also lead to the best lines Chloe's ever uttered on the show:
Robert Morrison, a hit man, was sent to kill Nabilla. In one of the craziest scenes in 24 history, mousey Chloe O'Brian pulled out an assault rifle and took down a professional killer. It's rare for 24 to have moments that get you on your feet, but cheers from 24 fans could be heard around the world when Chloe finally took action. It also lead to the best lines Chloe's ever uttered on the show:
Jack Bauer has two well-known phrases. The first was shouted at Nina Myers when he demanded, "Who are you working for?" The other came in the first hour of Day 2, when we discovered that Jack hadn't gotten over the whole wife-getting-murdered thing.
He only lasted one Day, but Chase Edmunds managed to exit 24 without losing his life -- just his hand.
The most shocking ending since the jarring Day 1 finale, Jack's abduction at the end of Day 5 closed out an amazing season. A little history: In Day 4, Jack raided the Chinese consulate and a Chinese national was killed. Even in the real world, that's cause for war. Bloodshed on Chinese soil didn't sit well with Cheng Zhi.
Sherry Palmer epitomizes the majority of characters on 24. She's power-hungry. That describes every terrorist, most of the politicians and a number of members of CTU. In eight seasons, many have gone to great (and often immoral) lengths to secure power, but Sherry takes the cake.
George Mason ranks among the worst bosses in 24's history. The Day 2 Director of CTU looked out for #1 first and foremost, even to the detriment of our nation. Among the "good guys" on 24, there may be no other who was more despised. But on Day 2, Mason redeemed himself with a final heroic act.
Day 5 brought a high death count to CTU. We knew right away no one was safe when former President David Palmer was assassinated and Michelle Dessler was blown up. Palmer, perhaps the best fictional President TV has ever had, was a devastating strike. And Michelle's death would lead to one of 24's darkest moments -- the surprising (and unwanted) return from the dead of Tony Almeida on Day 7.
24 rarely has quiet moments, but one stands out. Nina Myers was in custody, sitting in a plane across from Jack Bauer, the man whose wife she killed several years ago. A few minutes earlier, she'd slashed a man's throat open with a broken credit card and secured a deal to be released from Federal custody. Jack didn't scream or scowl or threaten Nina. Instead, he said in as calm a voice as he has ever used:
Edgar Stiles was a bit of a dunderhead and often seemed a step behind uber-geek Chloe O'Brian. He was as sweet and innocent as a little bunny rabbit. Killing Edgar would be like killing a child -- and you rarely ever see a child die on network TV. No one saw it coming and that's what made it hurt the most.
Ryan Chappelle was always a pain in the ass. Director of CTU, Chappelle refused to bend the rules and rarely had Jack's back. Certainly some wanted to see bad things happen to Chappelle so Jack could get his job done. But Chappelle's final fate was surprisingly powerful and even now gives us goose bumps.
If anyone had doubts about 24 as a viable series, they were removed in the final moments of Day 1. Teri Bauer, who sacrificed her own body to preserve her daughter's innocence, ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
24's Ten Greatest Moments (IGN TV)
Jack's days are numbered. So is this countdown of the most memorable events in the shows history.
by Hilary Goldstein
SPOILER ALERT: We're counting down the best moments in the show's history. It is top-to-bottom all spoilers.
After eight long days/seasons, Jack Bauer is calling it quits, as 24 comes to an end this season. 24 launched in November 2001, at a time when Americans were eager for someone to kick the crap out of any terrorists who would dare threaten our nation. We couldn't find a better fictional protector than Jack Bauer. He'd sacrifice anything for our safety and cross the line that, in the real world, most would be against crossing.
24 was a revolutionary idea -- a fictional story told in real time over two-dozen episodes. It brought us picture-in-picture scenes, the famed countdown clock and a bloodlust for beloved characters.
When we think of the "best" moments, they are almost always the worst moments for Jack. These are the moments that made us gasp, made us cry and even made us cheer. Here are our 10 favorite moments (plus one honorable mention) from 24.
24 was a revolutionary idea -- a fictional story told in real time over two-dozen episodes. It brought us picture-in-picture scenes, the famed countdown clock and a bloodlust for beloved characters.
When we think of the "best" moments, they are almost always the worst moments for Jack. These are the moments that made us gasp, made us cry and even made us cheer. Here are our 10 favorite moments (plus one honorable mention) from 24.
It's well-established that Chloe O'Brian is not a field agent. She's a computer geek and confidant for Jack Bauer. But on Day 4, there was no one else available to retrieve a hard drive with some crucial data and secure a witness, Nabilla Al-Jamil. It was supposed to be an easy job; it was not.
Robert Morrison, a hit man, was sent to kill Nabilla. In one of the craziest scenes in 24 history, mousey Chloe O'Brian pulled out an assault rifle and took down a professional killer. It's rare for 24 to have moments that get you on your feet, but cheers from 24 fans could be heard around the world when Chloe finally took action. It also lead to the best lines Chloe's ever uttered on the show:
Robert Morrison, a hit man, was sent to kill Nabilla. In one of the craziest scenes in 24 history, mousey Chloe O'Brian pulled out an assault rifle and took down a professional killer. It's rare for 24 to have moments that get you on your feet, but cheers from 24 fans could be heard around the world when Chloe finally took action. It also lead to the best lines Chloe's ever uttered on the show:
Jack Bauer has two well-known phrases. The first was shouted at Nina Myers when he demanded, "Who are you working for?" The other came in the first hour of Day 2, when we discovered that Jack hadn't gotten over the whole wife-getting-murdered thing.
He only lasted one Day, but Chase Edmunds managed to exit 24 without losing his life -- just his hand.
The most shocking ending since the jarring Day 1 finale, Jack's abduction at the end of Day 5 closed out an amazing season. A little history: In Day 4, Jack raided the Chinese consulate and a Chinese national was killed. Even in the real world, that's cause for war. Bloodshed on Chinese soil didn't sit well with Cheng Zhi.
Sherry Palmer epitomizes the majority of characters on 24. She's power-hungry. That describes every terrorist, most of the politicians and a number of members of CTU. In eight seasons, many have gone to great (and often immoral) lengths to secure power, but Sherry takes the cake.
George Mason ranks among the worst bosses in 24's history. The Day 2 Director of CTU looked out for #1 first and foremost, even to the detriment of our nation. Among the "good guys" on 24, there may be no other who was more despised. But on Day 2, Mason redeemed himself with a final heroic act.
Day 5 brought a high death count to CTU. We knew right away no one was safe when former President David Palmer was assassinated and Michelle Dessler was blown up. Palmer, perhaps the best fictional President TV has ever had, was a devastating strike. And Michelle's death would lead to one of 24's darkest moments -- the surprising (and unwanted) return from the dead of Tony Almeida on Day 7.
24 rarely has quiet moments, but one stands out. Nina Myers was in custody, sitting in a plane across from Jack Bauer, the man whose wife she killed several years ago. A few minutes earlier, she'd slashed a man's throat open with a broken credit card and secured a deal to be released from Federal custody. Jack didn't scream or scowl or threaten Nina. Instead, he said in as calm a voice as he has ever used:
Edgar Stiles was a bit of a dunderhead and often seemed a step behind uber-geek Chloe O'Brian. He was as sweet and innocent as a little bunny rabbit. Killing Edgar would be like killing a child -- and you rarely ever see a child die on network TV. No one saw it coming and that's what made it hurt the most.
Ryan Chappelle was always a pain in the ass. Director of CTU, Chappelle refused to bend the rules and rarely had Jack's back. Certainly some wanted to see bad things happen to Chappelle so Jack could get his job done. But Chappelle's final fate was surprisingly powerful and even now gives us goose bumps.
If anyone had doubts about 24 as a viable series, they were removed in the final moments of Day 1. Teri Bauer, who sacrificed her own body to preserve her daughter's innocence, ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time.
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