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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Eric Massa Democrat Rep Will Not Re-Election Amid Homosexual Harassment Allegations

In 2006 the Dems rode the Mark Foley Homo train all the way through taking control of congress. Foley, a Republican congressman, was forced to resign as a result of allegedly sending sexual explicit text messages to male pages on Capital Hill.

As far was the Democrats were concerned, it was like manna falling from heaven because they along with their lap dog mouthpieces in the main stream media blarredthe Foley story 24/7 for weeks. A single day did not go by without a Foley update.

Four years later in 2010, the Dems are firmly in control of congress with a media-created fraud in the White House in President Barack Obama and low and behold comes this story of a Democrat from western New York with his own alleged homosexual proclivities.

However, count on the MSM to give this story very little activity beyond today for obvious reasons.
The Politico reports:

First-term Rep. Eric Massa announced Wednesday that he will not seek reelection, saying his doctors have told him that he can’t continue to “run at 100 miles an hour.”

But several House aides told POLITICO that the House ethics committee has been informed of allegations that the New York Democrat, who is married with two children, made unwanted advances toward a junior male staffer.

A more senior staffer — Ronald Hikel, Massa’s former deputy chief of staff and legislative director — took the complaints to the ethics committee and was interviewed about them twice.

Hikel declined to comment about the situation, but House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) confirmed that the Democratic leadership had been informed of the allegations before the news broke.

“I’ve heard of that allegation before,” he said. “I had some indication, yes, but I don’t want to go beyond that. And my presumption [is] it’s being pursued in the course of business.”

Hoyer said news of the sexual harassment allegation — coming on the same day Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) gave up his gavel on the Ways and Means Committee — shouldn’t give Republicans a leg up in November.

“I don’t think it helps anybody in the institution, any one of us on either side of the aisle. It certainly didn’t help Mr. Foley,” Hoyer said, referring to former Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.), who resigned from Congress in 2006 amid allegations that he sent sexually explicit instant messages to an underage male page.

“When there were allegations about Mr. Foley or others, I think the institution suffers,” Hoyer continued. “And that’s why it’s so important that each of us conducts ourselves in a way that won’t bring discredit on the institution.”
Full story

By tomorrow, it will be, “Eric who?”

Via The Politico

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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