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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Naomi Campbell at it Again: Smacks Driver, Runs: Police

NBC reports:

The catty catwalker is back -- and on the run.

Naomi Campbell's driver says she slapped and punched him while he was driving her around midtown Manhattan, a law enforcement official said.

The official says the 39-year-old model became enraged with the driver and started to hit him from the back seat. It happened around 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Sources told NBCNewYork that Campbell attacked the driver with a cell phone -- which seems to be her favorite weapon.

The driver stopped the car around 58th Street and Second Avenue and called and spoke to a traffic agent, who alerted police, according to NYPD spokesman Paul Browne. He said Campbell jumped out of the car and ran away.

Police are currently looking to speak to Campbell. The driver is talking to investigators at the 17th precinct on East 51st Street.

In a statement, Campbell's spokesman Jeff Raymond said, "There shouldn't be a rush to judgment. Naomi will co-operate voluntarily, and there is more to the story than meets the eye."
Full story

The New York Post reports:

Maniacal mannequin Naomi Campbell has allegedly pummeled the help again -- this time, a chauffeur who says she thwacked him repeatedly in the head with her fist from the back seat as her Cadillac Escalade careened through Midtown yesterday afternoon.

The volatile diva allegedly struck Miodrag Mejdina, 27, of Ridgewood, Queens, hard enough to send his head into the steering wheel -- leaving him with a bruise under his left eye, according to police sources.

She was apparently furious over the fact that Mejdina, who also has chauffeured her boyfriend, refused to snitch on her beau and tell her whether he was cheating on her, sources said.
DRIVEN MAD: Naomi Campbell, with boyfriend Vlad Doro nin, allegedly struck chauffeur Miodrag Mejdina yesterday while he was driving her Cadillac Escalade.

When the stunned chauffeur pulled over at the corner of East 58th Street and Second Avenue to summon a nearby traffic agent, Campbell allegedly bolted from the car and fled down the street.

By the time cops arrived, the hot-headed supermodel had vanished.

The banged-up driver spent much of yesterday afternoon at the 17th Precinct filing a report on the incident. Campbell's assistant was also at the station house.

But by last night, Mejdina -- spooked by the media onslaught and thinking his bruised ego may have gotten the better of him -- backed off filing charges, a police spokesman said. He was spirited out the back of the station house and took off in his limo without speaking to reporters.

Full story

Via NBC News

Via New York Post

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