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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Perry Trounces Hutchison in Texas Primary

As to why Kay Bailey Hutchinson decided to challenge a sitting Republican governor in Rick Perry for the Republican nomination for governor, leaves me scratching my head.

The only thing I can fathom is Bailey suffers the same desease many in the GOP suffer—Moderate Syndrome. These Conservatives fall in the David Brooks branch of the Republican party that think being less Conservative attracts more voters across the board.


Being lless Conservative only muddles the differences between and a Liberl/Democrat oppnent. Reagan said it best, “We need Bold Colors, not Pale Pastels.”

The Politico reports:

Gov. Rick Perry won a decisive victory over Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Texas GOP primary for governor Tuesday night, bringing a bruising fight between two of the state's most popular Republicans to an anticlimactic conclusion.

Perry said his win should send a message to Washington.

"Quit spending all the money, stop trying to take over our lives and our businesses," he said in a speech that seemed aimed as much as the Obama White House as his Democratic opponent Bill White.

Hutchison acknowledged that it was natural to have some lingering hard feelings after a tough fought primary in the trenches, but asked all of her supporters to unite behind Perry.

"That is what will be best for all of us and for Texas. Our party must come together," she said at her election night watch party in Dallas.

"We have fought valiantly for our principles, but we did not win," she said.

With 73 percent of all precincts reporting, Perry had a 51 percent to 31 percent lead over the three-term senior senator. Debra Medina, a favorite of Tea Party activists, was holding steady at 18 percent.

At Perry's election night party held at a BBQ restaurant outside of Austin, the mood was confident and relaxed from the start, as upbeat supporters listened to a country band, sipped canned beer and gathered around flat screen televisions that featured returns from the secretary of state's website.

Moments after most of the polls closed, the Associated Press declared former Houston Mayor Bill White as the winner of the Democratic nomination. With 65 percent of precincts reporting, White was trouncing businessman Farouk Shami 75 percent to 13 percent.

Texas GOP chair Cathie Adams cast Perry's win as "a vote against what Barack Obama is doing to this country."

"Everything he's doing is wrong. It's the private sector and only the private sector that can right the economy and create jobs," Adams said, adding, "Governor Perry knows that, Washington does not."
Full story

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Via The Politico

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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