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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

High Times...

Lanny Ebenstein, former president of Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association and part time News-Press guest editorial writer, embroiled in Eureka neighborhood lawsuit....
ya know, I haven't heard from ol' Lanny for awhile...remember, he served on the board of the shady Santa Barbara County Taxpayers Association with pals Joe Armendariz and Mike Stoker, he was on the steering committee to "Save Our Santa Barbara" along with pal Dandy Dale Francisco.... and nowadays Dr. Lanny is busy as a campaign consultant to SB County Sheriff Bill Brown and a consultant to the Yes on Measure S Committee...but as a landlord, on
we've all seen Lanny at Santa Barbara city council meetings lecturing about the evils of unions, government interference, over- paying city workers like cops, fire, water treatment, wastewater career professionals and begrudging the pension systems they pay into.. lately, Dr. Lanny has been hanging out with Sheriff Brown, inviting him on his News-Press AM 1290 radio show trying to sell a new jail tax so the wealthy folks can feel safer! says Lanny: "If we want to maintain public safety in Santa Barbara County, we have to build the new jail," Ebenstein said. "What they’ve done thus far is implemented the most cost-effective approaches, which was to add capacity to the existing jail. Now they’re at the point where they can’t add any more, so the next step has to be taken."
yes, Dr. Lanny has got his hands in a lot of pots..or maybe I should re-phrase that..he's got his hands in a lot of pot!!

According to my sources up north, Lanny's got some serious neighborhood issues with his property in Eureka, so no doubt we'll see less and less of Lanny on the editorial pages of the N-P....and Sheriff got some 'splainin' to do...

Lanny's Grow House...
The topic of neighborhood grow houses has many Humboldt County residents flummoxed, but a group of neighbors in Eureka banded together and did something about it.
At first blush, the 200 block of Hillsdale Street in Eureka doesn't seem much different than other Eureka neighborhoods. Tall, two-story brightly painted Victorians line both sides of the street, sitting behind well-kept lawns. A few modern homes are sprinkled between the old houses. There is little traffic on the street.
However, according to court documents, the neighborhood was in considerable discord this time last year. They claimed the pungent smell of growing marijuana plants filled the block, and that neighbors lived in constant fear of fires from faulty wiring and armed robbers mistakenly entering their home instead of the grow house everyone knew to be on the block. Property values in the area decreased due to an increased police presence because of the grow house, they claimed, and neighbors stopped letting their children play in the front yard due to safety concerns.
In total, 14 neighbors filed small claims lawsuits against the owner of the house in question, Alan Oliver Ebenstein, each seeking $7,500 and claiming that the growing operation represented a nuisance that Ebenstein -- who lives in Santa Barbara and was renting out the house to tenants -- failed to abate.
Ebenstein said he plans to appeal the ruling in the coming weeks and was adamant that he never knew of a marijuana grow operation at his property until EPD notified him after serving the search warrant. Then, Ebenstein said, he acted quickly to evict the tenants and upgrade the wiring problems and code violations on the property.
here's the story:timesstandard

so Lanny "never knew" about the shit, er, weed, I mean pot, that is reefer, or buds, grass, dope, ganja, herb, boom, gangster, Mary Jane, sinsemilla, joint, hash, hash oil, blow operation on his rental property?? with all the code violations?? Illegal electrical hookups are a common feature of grow houses, to both save money and to make it harder for authorities to identify them due to their unusually high electrical usage....just didn't know? wasn't aware?? wasn't hip to it?? well, who is Lanny? a fraud? a teacher? a pot head? a slum lord? will the real Slim Shady, please stand up...

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