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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Is the New York Post secreatly working for Andrew Cuomo?

As a NY Post customers for over 30 years, their coverage of the gubernatorial race is totally slanted in favor of Andrew Cuomo.

Every edition has an juvenile attack piece against Republican Carl Paladino and practically little or no coverage of Democrat Andrew Cuomo. And when they do finally get around to write about Cuomo, it’s a kissy puff piece.

The surprising aspect to all this, is that the NY Post is the more conservative leaning paper in New York City.

Many Post readers are very upset and are threatening to stop buying the paper.

I just wonder what happened to the Post’s integrity.

It sure looks like editor Fred Dicker has a vendetta against Carl Paladino because ever since this confrontation between Paladino and Dicker, the Post has been totally slanted against Paladino ever since. I’m convinced that Dicker is secretly working for Cuomo. I don’t have smoking gun proof, but the coverage speaks for itself.

Andrew Cuomo is nose-deep in the sub prime mortgage crisis and the NY Post doesn’t say boo about it.

Why is that Fred?

Fair stories about Paladino?

On Oct 14, the Post’s Fred Dicker ran a story about Carl Paladino renting space to a Planned Parenthood center. Two thirds of the article was about the services PP offers like abortion services ect. So the Post raises the specter that Paladino is a hypercrite for accepting rent from PP when he’s against abortion. But at the very end of the article, Paladino’ campaign mgr explains that the PP center was already there when Paladino took control of the shopping center in which it sits and wasn’t going to breaka lease.

That was clearly a hit job by Fred Dicker and the Post to paint Paladino asa hypocrite when in fact he’s only acting in a lawful manner.

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