the Parent Trap would have gotten a thumbs down (for the divorce subject) from the Parent's Television Council, a non partisan (ie, conservative) nonprofit interested in TV censorship "to protect the children" ie, to protect the husbands from beating off everytime a Miley Cyrus video appears!!
some of the things they don't like :
PTC Partners with Lilly and Pfizer to Alert Parents about ED Ads...
Miley Cyrus' latest sexy video
and the Family Guy
campaigns to "clean up" TV..
Believing that it is "better to light one candle than to curse the darkness," the PTC encourages those who are concerned about media content to do something about it. The PTC’s efforts focus on holding advertisers accountable for the content of the programs they sponsor, holding the FCC accountable for enforcing existing broadcast decency laws, pushing for the unbundling of cable packages so that consumers are not forced to pay for content they find offensive, and restricting children’s ability to purchase Mature-rated, or Adult-Only-Rated video games from retailers without a parent or guardian present at the point of sale.
It is a violation of Federal law to broadcast obscene or indecent programming. Obscene speech is not protected by the First Amendment and cannot be broadcast at any time. The default setting for broadcast television used to be family-oriented, while those desiring edgier, more explicit fare were free to seek it out. Today's prime time television programming has become almost uniformly unsuitable for families, and often directly hostile to their values, making it very difficult for parents to shield their children and seek out alternative entertainment.
Shows airing on broadcast television use the public airwaves. Because broadcast channels are available free over the air, it is assumed that children of any age can access their programming, and during prime time, it is presumed that they are doing so. According to the Communications Act of 1934, which sets the guidelines for the use of this public property, programming must be in the "public interest," i.e., serve a common publicly recognized good. It has never been supposed by the Supreme Court that broadcasters have an absolute right to air whatever they wish with no responsibility to the public interest.
now the question remains what is "obscene or indecent" ... Obscene Broadcasts Are Prohibited at All Times
Obscene material is not protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and cannot be broadcast at any time. The Supreme Court has established that, to be obscene, material must meet a three-pronged test:
An average person, applying contemporary community standards, must find that the material, as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest;
The material must depict or describe, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable law; and
The material, taken as a whole, must lack serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
hey, that's!!!
The Court reasoned that individuals could not be convicted of obscenity charges unless the materials depict "patently offensive hard core sexual conduct." This means that many materials dealing with sex, including pornographic magazines, books, and movies, simply do not qualify as legally obscene.
Even more fundamentally, nudity does not equal obscenity. The Supreme Court recognized this in Jenkins v. Georgia, when it ruled that the film "Carnal Knowledge" was not obscene. Justice William Rehnquist wrote in that 1974 case that "nudity alone is not enough to make material legally obscene under the Miller standards."
and how about this episode of the Family Guy on FOX..a show which I never have seen, but here what happened: Should a Sunday night cartoon show YOUR children bestiality, gay orgies and babies eating sperm?
Fox thinks so.
Fox’s perverted cartoon Family Guy showered audiences in filth Sunday, March 8th. This episode was rated aired TV-14 DLSV by Fox, meaning that in the network’s opinion, this content was appropriate for 14-year olds. It aired Sunday night at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT – only 8:00 p.m. in the Midwest – on the public airwaves that YOU own!
In one scene, husband Peter lies in bed, his naked rear exposed. A horse enters and licks Peter’s rear, as Peter moans in pleasure. "Mmm, what made you come around, Lois? I love you so much. I love you so much, Lois," Peter groans. The FCC has the DUTY to enforce the law and fine Fox for this gross violation of broadcast decency standards.
Among other atrocities in the episode, Peter warns his family that "some of the milk in the fridge is not milk, it's horse sperm," whereupon Baby Stewie eats cereal covered with the "milk"; Peter’s gay lover greets him with news that he has arranged a gay "eleven-way" orgy; and Peter helps his son Chris with math homework:
"One trick I used to use is turning things into a word problem. For example, if there are three glory holes in the bathroom at the club and 28 guys at the circuit party. How many rotations of guys will it take before everybody's had a turn? Nine, with a remainder of Brent…Brent can't fit in the glory hole, and that's why we all like Brent."
Bestiality. Glory holes. Circuit parties. Gay orgies. Eating horse sperm. This is the kind of "entertainment" Fox thinks is ideal for your kids to see on a Sunday night cartoon.
If you’re sickened at the prospect of YOUR CHILDREN seeing this garbage; if it disturbs you that Fox is using YOUR airwaves, free of charge, to break indecency laws and pump their sewage into YOUR living room; if you’re tired of businesses sponsoring shows that corrupt YOUR kids and YOUR culture, you can TAKE ACTION NOW!
well, what do you expect, it's FOX..I report, you decide....
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