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Monday, October 18, 2010


why do we never get an answer, when we're knocking at the door..

it's no secret that conservatives don't like to answer tough questions..they usually run to the News-Press or FOXNEWS for soft interviews, or they hold town meetings at places like the ultraconservative University Club or Wendy Pee McCuckoo's Roundtable luncheons to ensure a friendly audience...these folks are afraid of the light, afraid of embarassing themselves because, under the light of truth, their ignorance and skeletons are exposed like a naked pervert in the park, wearing just a raincoat and opening it when a fine lady passes by....
ok we get the picture.. when a journalist asks a candidate questions he doesn't like and the candidate's private security goons handcuff the journalist...then we got big problems. That's what happened when a journalist, an editor at the Alaska Dispatch, asked Joe Miller a question he didn't like..the reporter got handcuffed by Joe's goons on public that's an example of liberties being taken away...if you can't deal with the press, don't run for public office!!
"Miller had been at the school for a town hall meeting. State Sen. Fred Dyson, a Republican from Eagle River, appeared there to praise Miller, as did at least one other speaker. Miller than spent about forty-five minutes fielding questions from an audience that had been invited by Miller supporters. Hopfinger, who had learned at the last minute of Miller's planned appearance at the public school, ducked into a hallway after the meeting to pose his own questions to Miller.
Miller last week at the Dena'ina Center announced after an on-camera interview with Greta van Susteren of Fox News that he wasn't going to talk to the Alaska media anymore. The Alaska media had been asking Miller difficult questions about his personal life, including the possibility that he quit his job as an attorney for the Fairbanks North Star Borough under threat that he was about to be fired. Jim Whitaker, former borough mayor, has said that was the case. Spokespeople for Miller have denied it."
Joe Miller is the teabagger who beat Lisa Murkowski for the Republican nomination in Alaska..and he beat her bad...but as soon as Joe's past was revealed, voters got buyer's remorse..Joe campaigned against all gov't subsidies yet he and his wife benefitted from them..hypocrites!!
Lisa's write-in campaign is picking up steam and closing the gap..I hope Lisa wins because she's goddam good-looking and because any member of the Tea Party cult is certified crazy and a pervert!!
so you can expect other Teabaggers candidates to start carrying around a private goon squad to keep the riff raff from asking careful..what you don't see, you might get!!

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