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Monday, October 11, 2010

Tom Thumb's Blues...

logic: teabagger candidate dresses up like a Nazi on weekends, teabaggers are conservative: therefore conservatives are Nazis!! so does Teabagger Tom Watson want to put state workers in concentration camps and steal their pensions??
Watson: "I only hire people with advanced degrees"

Wendy's lapdog Teabagger Tom Watson went crying to his mommy about how Lois Capps was "smearing " him..then he goes and puts words in Lois' mouth!!! apparently, teabaggers think criticizing them is a's not a smear, it's just hard to cut thru all of Tom's see Watson is a crybaby..crying about smears, debates, Lois, et al and when he doesn't get his way, he goes crying to rich Wendy......Lois can fight her own battles but Watson's antics border on harassment... and I think that John Hager is an interesting candidate, but Watson appears afraid to debate him...Watson cares only about the rich, not the working class... and that's a fact...and he'll be crying right up to the's hard to believe he has a military background..probably a privileged one where his parents paid big bucks to put him thru all the acadamies....that's not a working class life...that's a cush life... commissioned officers watched while the working class soldiers went into battle!! At one time, commissions were actually purchased by members of the elite when they entered the military with the intent of becoming career officers. Buying a commission could be one way to elevate one's social status, for example, and it ensured that one was kept separate from enlisted soldiers. There are a number of ways to become a commissioned officer. Some people choose to attend military colleges, such as West Point. Others can participate in officer training programs offered through colleges and universities, or they may choose to go to Officer Training School, attending a program which is limited to people who have already graduated from college. It is also possible for a commission to be granted through special circumstances.
now, Watson claims to be a "strict constitutionalist" so there's another red flag...these folks are like bible fundamentalists...there's no critical thinking..everything is either black and white to all teagabbers!! they say the constitution is not open to interpretation..of course it is! unfortunately, it has been misinterpreted by teaboogers as the bible has been misinterpreted by southern baptists....
Strict Constitutionalism rests on three main ideas:
The Legislative Branch should not be readily overturned
The American people have only those rights enumerated in the Constitution
Follow the Intent of the Founding Fathers
The American people have only those rights enumerated in the Constitution
The second pillar of Strict Constitutionalism is that the Constitution, namely the Bill of Rights, enumerates certain rights and those are all the rights that Americans are guaranteed. If the Constitution doesn't list a right, that right doesn't exist. Basically, this assertion can be summed up as:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, should be construed to deny or disparage other rights.
The prime example is the right to privacy. (Actually, to Strict Constitutionalists, it's the "so-called" right to privacy.) It's not listed in the Bill of Rights, thus it doesn't exist.
Again, there are two problems with this assertion. First off, what twisted mind-set do you have to possess to think that people should have as few rights as possible? Anyone who claims that the basic rationale of the Constitution is to limit our freedoms to a small number is just plain insane, or evil.
Second? Well, the Constitution says to not view the Bill of Rights that way. It's why the 9th Amendment exists:
Ninth Amendment
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
That's right. The Constitution itself says that one of the basic assumptions of the Strict Constitutionalists is dead wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
so Watson wants to go back to 1787 and pretend America hasn't evolved since then..but the Constitution is the document that keeps the Supreme Court justices busy with debating and arguing the meaning of the words in the's certainly not a black and white and read all over issue...

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