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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

when a man loves a woman...

Dr. Laura pours water on Nipper, ditches hubby Lew for new black man!!
"I needs it, too" say Laura
in the waning days of Dr. Laura's radio show, she took the opportunity to diss Nipper, her former boss, and offer us some money saving tips, too! multi-tasker she!!
first, you'll recall Dr. Laura wrote a page 2 column in the News-Press when Nipper offered her the spot..she gave us insights into all sorts of theens that older wealthy women find, wars, poodles, restaurants..theens like that..and she came to Wendy's defense everytime she crapped on her we know, Dr. Laura has a knack for getting herself into trouble ethically...the army issues, the phony nonprofits, the yacht racing cheating scandal, when these issues were explored and exposed by moi, she snuck out the back door of the N-P, never to be seen there again...same thing with Travis, by the way...but theens have changed and Dr. Laura is now looking out for the little guy: I recently spoke to a (beautiful black woman) caller who lamented that at some point she was going to have to stop being an at-home mom and go back to work to make ends meet. I said that move was not an option, because abandoning children into institutionalized day care is the last desperate move - not the first or an intermediate one.
I told her to "budget, budget, budget," and mentioned that my husband and I were budgeting just like most Americans, and I hadn’t bought any new clothes in so many months, I can’t even remember, and I had no idea what the current fashions even were. She mentioned that she shopped for clothes at second-hand stores. I stopped her right there and challenged why she was even bothering to do that. What is the female necessity for a constant flow of new clothes? Unless there is a specific need, doing that is a continuous waste of money, although "going shopping" together is a way for females to bond and have entertainment.
Then I found an article in the Economizer section of, entitled "10 Most Overpriced Products You Should Avoid." It was eye-opening, and should become wallet-closing!
1. Text Messages According to a story in the Chicago Tribune, outgoing 160-character text messages on a cell phone typically cost users 20 cents, while they only cost the carrier three-tenths of a cent to process. That’s a 6000% profit! 600 text messages contain less data than one minute of a phone call. If text data rates are applied, a brief cell phone conversation would cost $120! So CALL….don’t text.
2. Bottled Water Water that is pre-packaged is more expensive than a gallon of gas. Since about 40% of bottled water comes from municipal taps, you’re better off refilling that plastic bottle at home and toting it around.
now, you know that Nipper is a bottled water expert....he's judged taste tests and knows all about the elixer in plastic...thinks bottled water actually comes from a mountain spring and promotes plastic bottles in the N-P...but Dr. Laura cuts him to the quick and exposes the myths about water in plastic bottles, marketed as something different than tap water.....
so I applaud Dr. Laura's awakening and attempts to put her life back on the right track by helping others save a little money in these troubled times...and congrats on her new inter-racial relationship!!

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