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Saturday, November 27, 2010

call me up in dreamland..

radio to me, man....
as an investor in SiriusXM radio, I was appalled when they signed Glenn Beck a few months ago. If you didn't know, pathetic Glenn Beck sucks Rupert Murdoch's dick for a living on FOX NEWS...
I still have the SIRI stock and since I can't personally control who they have on the air, I must wait until the stock hits my modest target..that way I make money off of idiots like Beck..but I hear that Dr. Laura has signed a multi-year deal with Sirius...after burning out her terrestial radio welcome by calling a spade a spade multiple times, Dr. Laura will go to satellite radio, where they won't censor her...
Dr. Laura was so gassed about it, she shrieked: "The first and most important thing that appealed to me was the freedom to speak my mind without advertisers and affiliates being attacked by activist groups that just love to censor anything they don't agree with," Schlessinger said. "That just about made my heart and head explode." this new concept Dr. Laura speaks of is called "free speech"...
now, all those fans of hers are gonna have to cough up subscription fees to hear her say nigger..nigger this nigger first like I say I was shocked but now, I see how I can profit off these boneheads..and believe me, America is full of hope is that all these washed up radio folks will generate new subscribers on "cable" radio and that will benefit the stock price, which in turn will benefit me..the stock has ranged from 60 cents to seventy's very volatile but the company is stablizing...but if you invest, don't blame me if you lose it all, I'm just sayin for me, it's a lock..
and all I'm asking is about 9 dollars a share and I can make a lot of money and quit this crazy scene...I'll be lighting cigars with dollar bills, so I wish only success for Dr. Laura in her new venture...
and all you Dr. Laura fans out there.. get your mommies and daddies to PONY UP and subscribe to Sirius XM radio and you can hear Dr. Laura, uncensored, finally.... and don't think for a minute it'll make you any smarter, but it will make me richer!!

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