Let’s cry a river for this poor woman that wasn’t allowed to skate because she wouldn’t remove her headscarf.
Let’s ignore the liability issues involved if her scarf were fly off her head and a little kid falls and breaks their neck and dies.
Muslims are supposed to be treated differently because their religious faith is so much higher than everyone else’s. They are the peaceful ones and if you say differently, they’ll kill you for it.
The New York Post reports that a Muslim woman claims that a Connecticut roller-skating rink discriminated against her because it wouldn't allow her to skate in her headscarf.
Marisol Rodriguez-Colon, 40, said she was "mortified" when she and another female relative showed up for a niece's birthday party at the Ron-A-Roll rink in Vernon and were barred at the door.
The venue's rules, posted at the entrance, read: "No Hats. No Headwear. No Exceptions."
Colon said her religious hijab shouldn't count under that policy -- and tried to appeal to a rink manager.
"We wear this for religious reasons," Colon said. "But they didn't want to hear that."
The manager, Colon said, gave the women two choices: take off the headscarves, or wear a helmet over them.
Taking off the hijabs was "not an option," Colon told WTIC-TV in Hartford.
She said she has worn the traditional headscarf for 16 years and has it on "wherever I go."
She and the other relative went back to their car and missed the party.
"I wear this with pride," Colon said. "I was mortified -- by asking someone to wear a helmet you are actually ostracizing us.
"You are singling us out and showing everyone there is an issue -- that something is wrong with these two women."
Ron-A-Roll management issued a statement spelling out its "no headwear" policy. It said helmets are offered for safety purposes.
More details here
Muslims are very good at, pulling out red hearings to divert people’s attention from the real issue. This was not a case of discrimination; it was a case of customer non-compliance with a rule set up for the safety of all skaters.
Everything else Miss Colon feels is totally besides the point and another public play for sympathy for the Left-leaning media who I’m sure is salivating to give it to her.
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