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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Non-Native Thanksgiving...

where will it lead us from here??
is there any group of people who have/has created more havoc upon the earth than white people? and now these egocentric beings want a holiday to stuff their fat faces and give thanks for the killing and mayhem they have wrought in the name of Christianity...this is unacceptable! Normally, I provide a nice little picture or photo with the story, but not this week, you don't deserve it and you've been pampered enough want a picture? TAKE IT YOURSELF!!
now, at least there's one white girl with the sense to say no to this hokey holiday and that's Angelina Jolie..I am joining her in boycotting Thanksgiving because it's all a fraud according to her and Brad: While everyone is preparing to give thanks today, one of America's most famous families, the Jolie-Pitts, have decided to sit this Thanksgiving out."Angelina Jolie hates this holiday and wants no part in rewriting history like so many other Americans," a friend of the actress tells me. (the real reason is cuz she can't cook worth a fuck says Brad!) "To celebrate what the white settlers did to the native Indians, the domination of one culture over another, just isn't her style. She definitely doesn't want to teach her multi-cultural family how to celebrate a story of murder."Angelina has been filming her directorial debut, about a Serbian man and Bosnian woman who fall in love during the Bosnian War. Angie, always extremely sensitive to the suffering throughout the world, is filming in English and the native languages....Angie..Angie..ain't it good to be alive....

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