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Monday, January 24, 2011

spill the wine...

dig that skinny alcoholic botoxed girl!

wine tasting....ladies did you know you're not supposed to swallow at wine tastings? you're supposed to spit it out! bunch of pussies! really, they have a little spittoon for you and I have one by my bed too just in case! I found this out because one of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills visited the Summerland Winery Boutique and was flabberghasted that she had to spit the wine out..she said it went against every instinct she had... here's a picture of the obnoxious winery in Summerland..

War on Homeless..the conservatives have abandoned the war of terror and are focusing on the homeless in Santa Barbara...ok, I was waiting and watching for the big shift on city council with Dale and Mike and Frank and Ronald McDonald..but the only difference I see is they too will waste money ($50000) as long as it's for a good re-arranging the sidewalk benches on State Street to try to trick the homeless into sitting somewhere else...I swear to God, the business people on the State Street corridor have gone crazy..the Downtown Org and the nutty Redevelopment Agency are completely many sidewalk variations have they tried? how many wasteful projects have they tried..and still we got money problems...and they think playing games with the streetwise homeless folks will benefit who?? how sterile do they want Santa Barbara..shall we all wear lab coats?? We need to support Governor Brown as he tries to reel in these unnecessary agencies....

Glorifying Reagan..Essentially, Reagan switched the federal government from what he critically called a "tax and spend" policy to a "borrow and spend" policy, where the government continued its heavy spending but used borrowed money instead of tax revenue to pay the bills. The results were catastrophic. Although it had taken this nation more than 200 years to accumulate the first $1 trillion of national debt, during the 12 years of the Reagan-Bush administrations, that debt quadrupled to $4 trillion!

Ron Reagan Jr had it right when he said President Reagan was probably suffering from Alzheimers, or the beginning of it, while in office..Mike Reagan the bastard adopted son of Reagan was all over Ron for that, but we know who the President was really embarrassed by, don't we... so the News-Press is having more wet dreams about Reagan because Wendy owns the Ranch Center on lower State Street! all Republicans are frothing over the 100 birthday of the Gipper who is dead I'll remind them..poor guy, leave him in peace...after all he was the main reason the US economy finally collapsed causing the taxpayers to bail out private industries practicing Reaganomics!!

again... Ronald Reagan is a doornail....

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