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Saturday, January 29, 2011

the Teachings of Don Juan...

a separate reality

after seeing Ernie Salomon's funny interview with self-proclaimed News-Press Editor Don Katich, I was interested in why this guy Katich looks at ease or nervous all the time...and why the News-Press seems to focus on three things: bulbouts, homeless, and the Reagan Ranch Center..

so I began my search for info since he is a public figger now thanks to Nipper and Wendy.. I'm checking out the web...I checked Craig Smith's Blog..he's usually up on the News-Press least he was at one News-Press stuff for months! hmmm, I wonder why...I'll have to think about that for a spell..hmmmm's something... Katich used to sell real estate after his job at KEYT expired.. Don Katich, Real Estate Agent, Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corporation... after the real estate gig, he went to work for the News-Press...hmmm.....what was the nexus from real estate to the News-Press? real estate~News-Press..if I was selling real estate why would I go to work for the it because I wasn't doing a very good job selling real estate?? or I was running out of money?? why did Wendy hire Don Katich? is it because when you run the name together, it sounds like donkey? donka-tich...and Wendy's likes her pet donkeys!

and why hasn't Craig Smith written anything about the News-Press for months?? did Wendy pay him off? why him..why not me!! godddamit Wendy, I like money too!! and what's Barry Cappello up to?? and who is Albany Irwin? an escort??

Client comments about Albany Irvin

"As a producer of over 50 telethons, hundreds of public events and thousands of commercials, few talent have had the poise, presence and pizzazz that I witnessed with Albany. She is quick on her feet, takes direction, unflappable and a joy to work with." (she fucks good!)
- Don Katich, producer MDA Telethon

I want some answers!!

I suppose I could call these folks and find out but it's more fun for me to speculate...somewhere in the middle the truth will fall...the verdict will fall...Truth. That's what verdict means. It's a word that comes down from old England, and all our little ol' ancestors ...

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