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Friday, March 4, 2011

have you seen the little piggies....

Nancy Crawford-Hall ate the plover!!

geez, I'm getting a little sick of this dude Steve Pappas who lost the election to Doreen Farr but can't seem to accept the fact....the voter fraud claim is used by election losers..Tom Watson used it; Pappas has been using it for years at the behest of his benefactor/sugar mommy fat lady Nancy Crawford- Hall..the owner of the SY Valley Journal...what is it with these newspaper owners? they're all a bunch of little dictators..

Nancy has been threatening for months to expose voter fraud in Isla Vista..the student vote always worries conservatives..that's why they want to exclude young people from the democratic process..because the young folks can't be bought yet..they are too idealistic....

so we got these jackasses like Tom Watson and Pappas and Hall and Wendy forever trying to buy elections and crying when they lose....I think that Nancy will pay people money to report fraud so that Pappas will win something.. I think Nancy is guilty of witness pampering!!

so farr, Pappas has lost every legal battle, but keeps going back for more...I am wondering why he won't just drop and and move on....I think that is the much bigger story....the influence Nancy Crawford- Hall has on Steve Pappas...and just read her comments at the SYVJ over the last year..fraud this fraud that....and Pappas keeps going to court....there will always be some mistakes in the voting process, but outright fraud is another thing....I think Watson, in his zeal to find fraud in IV was guilty of voter intimidation when he sent 50 conservative punks to monitor the process....

and here's Nancy's smoking gun: Continued saga (copied from the Santa Ynez Valley Journal)

I hope you enjoyed and were astounded by what was disclosed last week regarding the ongoing reveal about what happened to our 2008 election. Were you surprised? As I have said, I knew for some time that something was wrong and many others had that same feeling, but no one had actually figured out what was wrong and how it happened. Now we know.

What do we know? We do know that there are a number of people involved and have been for a number of years, that the system has been well-established giving Democrat candidates an advantage over anyone else, and that the election machine has operated with enormous donations from SEIU and other unions that no individual donations can hope to surpass.

While employees are forced to donate a portion of their salaries to a union in order to work in certain fields, I have discovered a situation that I think needs some investigation. Workers for government whether state or local, all are required to belong to unions. What we discovered when looking into the voter fraud possibilities in District Three’s election for 2008 was that an inordinate amount of money paying for candidates came from public employee unions such as SEIU (Service Employees International Union) and a myriad of other unions.

It seems to me to be a huge conflict of interest because those people they finance the elections of are the same people who are going to be voting on their raises and benefits.

Thus, the system, to be crude, has been rigged

. As we go along with our discovery and in concert with court and other happenings, we will continue to reveal exactly what we know and can prove. We are being careful to not get ahead of ourselves, but the fact that investigations have been opened on both local and state levels for possible criminal behavior has got to say something to you about what we have found. I beg for your patience to continue, as we also have had to learn the value of that virtue as well. In every case, we have been rewarded where perhaps things would have turned out differently had we jumped the gun. Thus we will divulge all facts to paint the whole picture for you. As you begin to see the personalities emerge and see the background that they came from, you will understand just how bad our system has become. While the opposition is yelling about having every vote count, they don’t seem to want to acknowledge the probability that the entire district was disenfranchised. Does anybody care?

Of course we do. It is the backbone of this country and it is what gives us the courage and pride to be different from other countries. Without it, we are simply another low-class fiefdom or dictatorship. Shame on those who would steal our heritage. We will take it back here locally, across this state and throughout this nation, where those who are so arrogant as to think they can vote for us will be punished. Stay tuned.

in other words, Nancy and her conservative friends don't want unions, ie workers that they don't control, to vote! is that it?? that's all??

unions and workers have been giving money to campaigns for years!! it is not illegal to give money to campaigns! and there is no conflict of one is forced to vote on anything!! we elect pro-labor candidates because we labor..we work for a living...

I think it's pretty obvious that the fat lady can't sing....

I've been hearing that conservative taxpayers don't want money going to unions...well, if I work for a municipality and get a paycheck for services rendered, I'll do whatever I want with it, I'll pay union dues, I'll eat out at restaurants, I'll buy a wristwatch if I want to.. why?? because it's my fucking money!! imagine, people now want to tell you how to spend YOUR money because they lost an election!!

if the Koch bros can spend $43000 on Gov Walker's campaign, then I can spend $100 on a pro- labor candidate...

and here's some real election fraud from union busting Indiana: INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana's top elections official was indicted Thursday on voter fraud and other charges for allegedly listing his ex-wife's address as his own on voting and loan forms and serving on a town council when he was ineligible, a prosecutor said.

The Hamilton County grand jury charged Republican Secretary of State Charlie White with seven felony counts in all, including three counts of voter fraud, two counts of perjury and one count each of theft and financial fraud, said John Dowd, one of two special prosecutors asked to investigate the matter.

so... I see that I will have to concentrate of the psychological aspect of the Nancies of the world..a profile of Steve Pappas and Nancy Crawford-Hall and the nature of their relationship..are they smooching in the barn?? perhaps we'll uncover the real reasons for the irrrational court feeding frenzy these two are exhibiting....see, while everyone else is exploring the politics of the sitch, I will explore the psychological road...therein lies the answers

now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do.....

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