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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Idiots Roll Call...


Darryl Issa-present


Tony Strickland-present


ok, I call the meeting to order.... shut down an on- ramp at Padaro Lane to do some gardening..and it took about 10 Caltrans workers!! why aren't they out paving the highways instead of pissing away my tax money on some weeds?? and they spray M-pede on the hills!! M-Pede is an insecticide soap that is TOXIC!! now when bats and other cool creatures eat the insects, they get sick....CALTRANS IS A PUBLIC HAZARD!!

Gov Brown..please do something about this agency....I support privatizing...
Arnold you dumbass...why haven't you invited me to dinner..I'd love to meet Maria and your daughters! dumbass ex-con..if it wasn't for you, the recall of Gray Davis wouldn't have happened, Arnold wouldn't be my neighbor, Enron wouldn't have fucked California, and Phil Angelides could have prevented our massive debt, incurred by a failure to tax the appropriate assholes like nonprofits gamblers drinkers and smokers...and now Daryll, who has the House Oversight Committee chair..hey how did this crook get that job? anyway, Daryll just fired his close aide and chief spokesman for sharing emails with a reporter on the inner workings of gov't:

Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, has dismissed his chief spokesman, Kurt Bardella, after concluding that Mr. Bardella had secretly and regularly shared his e-mail conversations with a New York Times reporter who is writing a book about Washington’s political culture.

Mr. Issa is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and a leading voice of the Republican opposition to Obama

. In a statement, he said Mr. Bardella had acted improperly.

"It has become clear that the committee’s deputy communications director, Kurt Bardella, did share reporter e-mail correspondence with New York Times journalist Mark Leibovich for a book project," Mr. Issa wrote in a statement issued Tuesday. "Though limited, these actions were highly inappropriate, a basic breach of trust with the reporters it was his job to assist, and inconsistent with established communications office policies. As a consequence, his employment has been terminated."

so much for free speech, huh, Darryl!

Tony Strickland...recently wrote to the News-Press saying Carp's crash tax was a bad idea...a crash tax is a good idea..when you crash your car, you pay for it not me...I was recently pulled over for speeding on Highway 101...I was going like a rocket! the cop spotted me in Summerland and pulled me over on Santa Claus Lane...I didn't called the cop an idiot like the Ohio governor did because I was ifs ands or according to our esteemed tobacco politico Tony Strickland, the taxpayer should pay my fine!! no way..I pay it..the buck stops here!! actually the 260 bucks!!

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