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Friday, February 26, 2010

Charles Rangel Gets Slap on the Wrist by Ethics Committee (aka Wolves Investigating a Wolf)

Did you really think Charles “Corrupt” Rangel was going to get more than, “Don’t do that again, Charlie!” from fellow low-lifes that make up the Ethics Committee?

This sham of an investigation might as well been done by the state of Iran trying to root out global terrorism.

This is an example of Nancy Pelosi’s promise to have the most ethical congress in history.

Rangel, a tax cheat, who’s Ways and Means Committee is responsible for writing the tax laws for the country, gets to keep his job even though he’s one of the most corrupt members in congress.

The New York Post reports:

Embattled Harlem Rep. Charles Rangel broke House rules and will get a "public admonishment" from the House Ethics Committee for taking corporate-sponsored junkets to the Caribbean.

In a report to be released today, the panel concludes the Democrat accepted the trips despite House rules that prohibit financing of lawmakers' trips by corporations.

The committee found that Rangel broke the House's gift rule by getting reimbursed for the junkets.

The panel also said two Rangel staffers were aware of the corporate funding. Onr of them, identified by Fox News as his former chief of staff, George Dalley, stepped down last year.

The committee told Rangel to pay back the cost of the trips.

Under House ethics rules adopted in 2007, lawmakers can't accept trips longer than a day from any corporation that employs or retains a registered lobbyist.

Asked whether going on the trip was a mistake, Rangel replied: "Hell no. Why would I [regret going] if it was approved by the Ethics Committee?"

Full Story

Let me get this straight.

Rangel hops on a plane and goes wherever, doesn’t reach into his pocket to pay for the ticket, or hotel room, but doesn’t know how it all got paid for?

Also, the very committee that authorized this junket which is a scam in itself to buy influence in congress, is the same committee who investigates Rangel for breaking House rules in the first place?

The joke is on all the American people because these are the politicians who are representing you and me and these Democrats will act as sleazy as they want because they know the fix is already in.

So much for ethics, Nancy!

Vis New York Post

The Last Tradition

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