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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Far Left Site-Think Progress Smears Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) What else is new?

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) does this interview with Lib blogger Mike Stark who in the below video. Stark, like all Libs mischaracterizes Rush Limbaugh as a hater, like all Libs usually do because they never want to discuss substantive issues.

Why bother when name calling and misrepresentations will do?Frank makes an impassioned criticism on the devastating consequences of abortion, particularly in the Black community where 50% of potential Black babies are aborted.

Of course like a typical lib, the substance of what Frank is saying has no impact on Stark who continues on his agenda.

But, Alex Seitz-Wald of Think Progress takes the deception even further by misrepresenting that Frank said Blacks were better off during slavery.

Frank doesn’t even come close to saying that. And even Stark himself doesn’t react to what Frank actually said by asking directly, “Are you saying Blacks were better off during slavery?” That would’ve been the logical follow up question if that was what Frank was trying to say.

But, that question was never asked because Stark understood the analogy Frank was trying to make between what’s happening to the Black community today under legalized abortion that has taken 50 innocent lives since 1973.

It’s an American Holocaust that Liberals routinely sweep under the rug.

Nice try Think Progress, but no cigar.

Via Think Progress

Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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