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Sunday, February 21, 2010

an inconvenient tree...

the same people who make monuments to bears are killing Palm trees...
apparently, a group in Ojai was so taken with Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, that they started a non-profit called

to create a sustainable environment in Ojai. Now, Ojai is a beautiful place and was quite sustainable before Al Gore came along, but there is a faction of hippies in Ojai who are going nutty with this. I never saw an Inconvenient Truth until I watched a little recently on cable. When Al was going up and down on that hydraulic lift to chart rising CO2 emissions, I knew we had a problem..oversimplification and overreaction. Al and Tipper tried to censor musicians years ago, which united guys like John Denver and Frank Zappa to tell Al to get lost, and now Gore wants to sound the alarm on global warming? Unfortunately, some people believed him unconditionally and moved lockstep to save the world...and how are they saving the world? They are cutting down trees!! Messing with nature! and spreading propaganda about non-native species? but as I will testify friends and neighbors, it's outta control!
The real issue is pollution and many dedicated professionals are working to reduce man's impact on the environment..but I don't know where all these other nutjobs came from...I guess I need to find out...and if I end up going crazy, blame them!!!
A perfect example of this is the little project to restore a section of creek in Libbey Park in Ojai...they want to remove some MEXICAN Palm Trees and other so-called nonnatives. the OVGC is responsible for some of the project..Executive Director Deborah Pendrey has lived in the Ojai Valley for eight years. She and her husband run a wholesale retractable screens business from their home, a property they’re planning as an eventual model green living space...and that qualifies her to kill 11 palm trees on Libbey Creek!!
check out these loopy statements from the OjaiValleyNewsBlog: "Since the Ojai community tends to be pro-tree, the process of removing 11 palm trees from the creek area has alarmed some residents. But the efforts are for a greater good, said OVGC executive director Deborah Pendrey. "A lot of people are looking at it aesthetically. Palm trees are, especially, the most insidious of all trees," said Pendrey. "Cutting them down is better, because when you actually remove them, you have a big hole." a big hole????
"A lot of people aren’t aware that palm trees are not native to California," said Brian Holly, OVGC watershed committee chair and conservation biologist. "A palm tree is a monocot and it’s basically a large grass that evolved over time. It’s extremely good at out-competing native species, but it also sucks up a lot of water since, in their native climates, they have to go through extensive dry seasons without water.
Ok... so they trying to tell me the Mexican Palm trees are not trees but grasses, that they are non-native and they suck up a lot of water....and that's reason to remove them...
First of all, a Palm Tree is a tree; second, they claim Mexican palms are not native to California..well, these hippies don't realize California was part of Mexico not so long ago so how do they explain that??? geezusfukinkryst!!
All they need to do is plant some native trees and leave the palms alone, but there is an obsession among these people to rearrange the landscape to satisfy their own particular prejudices about certain "exotic"'s a bunch of bullshit, a waste of money and will have unintended consequences..One is to restore riparian, jungle-like forests within the floodways to provide habitat for endangered species. There already is strong evidence that this practice may have contributed to a major flood in the vicinity of Meridian in 1997. A U.S. National Wildlife Refuge was developed within the Sutter Bypass, creating a backflow of flood waters. This is believed to have contributed to a massive levee wash-out.
dumbass hippies....

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