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Saturday, May 29, 2010

BP Buses Cleanup Crews to Grand Isle for for Obama Photo-Op

As previously reported on TLT on May 5th, Barack Obama was the biggest recipient of BP cash for his presidential run. That’s truly amazing since Barack Obama trashed the Oil industry on the campaign trial.

Or is it just playing politics to say one thing for public consumption and after the teleprompter is turned off, go out and have a beer with BP honchos and laugh as a big fat check slides across the table.

When the Obama administration says that they have their boot on the neck of BP, don’t believe the hype folks.

It’s all for show because Barry Obama and BP are uncover partners perpetrating a sham and what happened yesterday is just another example.


BP, the oil company taking flak for its inconsistent response to the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, bused in 400 extra cleanup workers to Grand Isle during President Obama's visit today, Jefferson Parish Council Chairman John Young said.

"It appears to have been a PR stunt by BP, not to say we don't appreciate the extra participation," Young said. "We certainly need them, but we don't need them for just one day that happens to coincide with a visit from the president."Obama made his second visit today to Louisiana's oil-stricken coast, stopping in Grand Isle and Port Fourchon.Young said he saw the workers dressed in red shirts, blue jeans and black shrimp boots mulling across the beaches and in the mess hall during the president's appearance. They were uniformed in a way "which you don't normally see workers dressed like that," Young said.After Obama's departure, Young said, the work crews all but vanished.
"This is a total shame that a mockery has been made of this visit by the executives of BP," Councilman Chris Roberts said."What we want to make clear (is) if they're going to send them, then send them everyday, not just on the day of the president's visit," Councilman Tom Capella said.BP spokesman Mike Abendhoff denied it was done solely for publicity.
"Obviously, it's unfortunate that that's what people are thinking," Abendhoff said. "We're not sending people for PR stunts.We're sending people to clean up this oil."Abendhoff said the additional workers are part of BP's efforts gradually to increase its presence on Louisiana beaches to meet the incoming oil. "We've continued to add resources every day," he said.

Donald Nalty, the chief operating officer of Environment, Safety, Health, Inc., the subcontractor that hired the workers, said Friday that the additional force in Grand Isle and Fourchon was part of a ramping up that will likely continue. He said the decision to bring on the additional workers was made May 23, before the president's visit was announced.

Nalty said 300 workers had been cleaning Grand Isle and 150 cleaning Fourchon. On Friday 400 additional workers were added in Grand Isle and an additional 100 to Fourchon, Nalty said.

"It had nothing to do with the president coming to town,'' Nalty said. "It was 100-percent coincidental. All the allegations to the contrary are false.''

Full story

Remember the AMA doctors and their lab coats when Obama was trying to sell ObamaCare? They love to use props and atmospherics.


Via Memeorandum

The Last Tradition

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