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Sunday, May 30, 2010

take it easy...

I'm runnin' down the road tryin' to loosen my load, I got seven women on my mind...
but let's just concentrate on three...first we got Jan Brewer, a hard drinking and chain smoking Republican woman gov of Arizona who signed SB1070. She is dry as a desert gulch and not really very pretty inside or out...Brewer, who became interim governor by default (when Janet Napolitano resigned to become US State Secretary of Homeland Security) is clearly dialing around for an American Idol vote to remain on as governor while riding the Tea Party waves, while failing to include on her campaign literature her own genealogy—her English grandmother Sarah Jane Marble who came to New York in 1886. Marble along with other European became "documented" if they were healthy the day they arrived.
Jan is against equal rights for domestic partners and people who are against rights for one group are pretty much the same way for other minorities. They mask it by misinterpreting the Constitution and wrapping themselves in the American flag...
next let's look at Lila Downs, a lovely Mexican/American woman who sings songs about the south and civil rights and immigrants and love and has a beautiful voice and face....if she were singing Spanish songs on the street corner, an Arizona cop could question her legal status under the AZSB1070 "reasonable suspicion" clause which is a violation of the 4th Amendment unreasonable search and seizure:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.
of course, we can't have coyotes smuggling 40 people in a Chevy AstroVan across the border, but we must have real border agents to control real crimes...not more laws
hey Arizona..listen to this: lila
standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona...
now, to the employers who hire illegal Arizona, you can claim you didn't know they were illegals, and that's ok according to these two conflicting parts of the same section!
For the purposes of this section, an employer that establishes that
it has complied in good faith with the requirements of 8 United States Code
section 1324a(b) establishes an affirmative defense that the employer did not
knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. An employer is considered to have
complied with the requirements of 8 United States Code section 1324a(b),
notwithstanding an isolated, sporadic or accidental technical or procedural5 failure to meet the requirements, if there is a good faith attempt to comply
with the requirements
An employer shall not intentionally employ an unauthorized alien.
If, in the case when an employer uses a contract, subcontract or other
independent contractor agreement to obtain the labor of an alien in this
state, the employer intentionally contracts with an unauthorized alien or
with a person who employs or contracts with an unauthorized alien to perform
the labor,
the employer violates this subsection.
just find a place to make your stand...
now, if California agriculture business is required to get rid of its workers due to immigration status, how will that affect the US economy? consider this: "Not only does California produce more than half of the country's fruits, nuts and vegetables, we're also the number-one dairy state, the number-two cotton state and we produce nearly 50 percent of the nation's flowers and nursery products."
hmmm, Carpinteria has a lot a flower growers and one of the most prominent is the third woman, loudmouth matriarch June Van Wingerden, who is way right wing and anti-union & working class.
June also sits on the Carp Water District Board and our well is dry with a $100,000,000 debt. She and her cohorts have handed Carpinterians some of the highest water rates in the country.... She and Joe Armendariz of the Carp Council and SBCTaxpayerAssociation are pals...funny, Joe hasn't uttered a peep about the water district debt..see the picture? that's June with a few other butt ugly women at a SBCTA party...and as a rule, I don't fuck ugly women....
but let's concentrate on good ol' June's good ol' flower business. let's see if I can get a rise out of the old gal..I wonder if she employs illegal aliens...or how she feels about Arizona's anti-Mexican law..
I'll have to set aside some time and go check it out and report back unless the weather stays good then I'm gonna just play outside....

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