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Friday, May 28, 2010

saved by zero...

what a Fixx I'm in....
so I got another summons for jury duty..I thought I explained to the judge and jury commissioner that I don't do juries anymore..last time they sent me one I got out due to injury...that should have informed them that I no longer can provide the required focus to give justice to the accused..after working since I was 16 years old and for the past 25 years in a power plant, I have developed transient pains..pains in the head, the ass, the back and I WILL NOT SIT FOR EIGHT HOURS IN A CHAIR while the lawyers and judges bore the shit outta me over some guy who smoked a joint..I need to move like shark or I'll I sent in my form telling them to use my last excuse and to leave me the fuck alone... I've paid my dues and served on at least three juries...they denied my plea! so I asked my last doctor to give me an excuse for the bone spur..he denied me too! what a QUACK!! I lying? So now I gotta fork over $91 to see my primary care doctor to get a written excuse...what is wrong with these people?
I told the courts that they have a systemic problem and that they need to fix it...instead of the lottery system where I call a number for a week to see if I get jury duty, they should send me a letter telling when and where to show up and I'll tell them if I'm notes from doctors, no notes from teacher, no bullshit..just honest adult communication..obviously they didn't listen to me..nothing has changed..if I go it will be another cattle call of long stupid questions, lawyers and judges sauntering in whenever they please, while the jury members always have to be on time!! NO THANKS...the courts need to fix the system and maybe I'll serve, maybe I'll win if this pain in the ass ever goes away!!

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