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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Do You Want Truth or Syrup? KKK Democrats Lynching Killing Black & White 'Radical Republicans (Video)

I’ve been accused of sometimes talking down to the Black Community and for this I will not apologize.

I was born and raised in New York and as such you learn to be blunt, otherwise the city will swallow you whole. I’m not a politician, so I’m not concerned about saying just the right things to the right people to garner votes.

I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

So if I claim that Black folks for the past 50 years have been socialized to vote Democrat despite their own personal conservatism, you either have a choice to be honest with yourself, or continue to live in denial and continue the same course.

We’re becoming too much of a nation of softies to the extent that we cannot say exactly what we mean for fear of offending someone.

But, I guess some people will always pursue the path of least resistance because it’s safer and makes less waves. It’s safer for Black people to be Democrats. Nobody looks at you funny and most people expect it. So what if state senator from Harlem Bill Perkins is a House Negro for he Teachers Union that wants to destroy Charter schools in NYC because they employ non-union teachers. So what if the kids in these Charter Schools out perform their failing schools counterparts with higher grades, higher graduation rates and higher percentage of kids going to college.

These are Black and Latino kids that are being denied are better education by the same political party that knows without breaking a sweat that come election time after they pull the race card as per usual, Blacks will vote for them 95% and up!

So, this isn’t “mind-lock”, or “group think”, or “socialized to vote Democrat”?

I’m not here to caress your breast if you’re a woman, or rub your balls if you’re a guy.

Others may state things more tactfully, more sweetly, more kindly, or more gently, and that’s terrific.

But, I don’t believe in a watered down gospel in church, and I certainly don’t believe in a watered down truth on the street.

But, if the only thing you can focus on is the manner of how I present the message without examining seriously the subject, then you’ll following the path of least resistance and everything else becomes the same old, same old.

The Last Tradition

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