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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a boy named Sue...

and a mannish boy..
I would rather see a bunch of worms on the school board than the current crop of nitwits led by Supreme Nitwit Brian Sarvis...I've watched this guy fumble his way through mistake after mistake and yet somehow he keeps his job...the last straw came when they started picking on Cesar Chavez Charter school...the board came in and threatened to close the school because scores weren't high enough...look, the real reason they tried to close the school was the name Cesar Chavez and his association with the labor movement for farm workers..rightwingers took a cheap shot to try and smear the school and the kids suffered..I guarantee the kids were learning just fine until these jackasses came the school changed the name to something less political and now they say everything is fine..poof..the kids are excelling!! please...this was nothing more than a rightwing temper tantrum and they finally got their way....
now, it's important to put people on the school board who aren't afraid of the status quo..The status quo candidates are not interested in education, but control and status..and propaganda. Everyone should know that most tests are biased to favor white kids, so any immersion program will be met with resistance from the right-wing-whites....and speaking of the right-wing-whites, we have the News-Press endorsing a guy named Loren Mason for Santa Barbara School Board...anyone who gets the News-Press endorsement should be viewed with skepticism because they pick alot of losers and this guy looks a child molester...I'm not saying he is a child molester, I'm just saying he looks like one...
and who is the News-Press to talk about education when they can't even form proper sentences? Check this out in a recent piece about redrawing districts: that Dan Secord received 47 percent of the vote in his last minute race against Mrs. Wolf was a tribute to the respect for which Dr. Secord continues to be held in by much of the community..
huh?? who but a moron writes like that?? goddam rightwingers are dumbing down this country to the point where I'm starting to feel like a genius!!
ok, so Loren, who sounds like a sissy with a girly name, is allegedly being handled by an outfit called Davies Communications, a company that sells propaganda for favorable political outcome..also known as astroturfing....Our proven process-- the Entitlement Accelerator-- engineers positive perceptions for projects in the toughest environments, including brownfields and other controversial sites. At DAVIES, we say opposition is never insurmountable-- our 95% winning track record speaks for itself.
from the web: Hard to guess what exactly an "Entitlement Accelerator" is, but we'll probably find out soon. By 2006, P.R. firms have learned that appearing too slick and too polished-- indeed even exposing the P.R. firm's existence-- is a turn-off for voters. Instead, they "build behind-the-scenes consensus with community leaders, government officials, and the media.
Such propoganda methods have come to be known as "astroturf": they appear to be grassroots, but are actually artificial and well-funded.
Monkey Business....
look at Mike and Das at a recent debate..Mike is slouching and leaning on the podium for support because mommy Wendy isn't there; Das is upright and engaged in the moment, supported by his own momentum...I asked Miss Manners about the importance of posture, and she said: As Emily Post says, "these are some things that present an image of who we are to others, and if we are sloppy in performing them, this image may well be other than we would like...That is why we should all practice good manners and courtesy wherever we are, at home, not just have good manners when we are out in the public eye. A person who stands and sits straight exhibits good posture.".....Graceful standing and walking consists of shoulders back, chin in and slightly up, abdomen and stomach in, back straight and knees relaxed. Arms should swing naturally, otherwise you will look like an ape!!

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