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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Message in a Bottle...

Bevmo.. mo drunks, mo litter
the Republicans are running scared trying to tell us that everything is gloomy and the economy is bad..the DOW is at 10800 from Bush's 6000 so it can't be that bad! I mean, I'm doing fine and I know you are don't listen to the Repubs because they are punks....that's the conclusion I've reached when I see hundreds of people rushing to buy liquor at Bevmo, the new booze outlet on upper State St..kinda like a Trader Joe's for alcoholics with "in-store wine consultants" ....hey maybe Nipper got a new job!! excuse me sir, can you suggest a nice wine that goes well with a Big Mac??
but really..what is the attraction?? the attraction is alcohol..the same kind that killed a lady on the Chumash Highway of Death..she was mowed down by a drunken Valley business this is the new cool for conservatives..killing people while drunk driving and getting as many DUIs as you can and passing these values to their children...
and the poster boy for all this nonsense is John Boehner, who is waiting in the wings to become the next Speaker of the House should voters fall for his "Pledge to America" crap..Boehner, a guy in his 60s who still smokes cigarettes (was supported heavily by big tobacco like Tony Strickland) and drinks to excess..just look at the blubbering crying speeches he makes..the guy is silly...and now there's a story about this devout Catholic involved in an affair with a lobbiest named Ms Lisbeth A. Lyons Vice President of Government Affairs/Printing Industries of America
VP of Government Affairs?? well, there you go!!
Tom and Ernie
I missed the live show with Ernie Soloman interviewing Tom Watson..poor Tom couldn't get a word in because Ernie kept interrupting...I hope Lois Capps debates Tom to expose what a ninny he is..he provided no details about his miltary service; he kept jabbering about evil Obama, said he would follow the Constitution and then had trouble remembering the Amendments... said he'd abolish government jobs because they make more than the private many times do I have to tell these people: the private sector is for profit and the public sector is for service, so you have to make up your mind early in life if you want to chase the dollar or build a stable career, or you can do both!! I chose to build a stable career and make wise investments and look at how happy and handsome I am!! Then Tom took a swipe at blue collar workers and said he only hires people with master's degrees for his elitist "high tech" company, which he didn't name...well, I don't like all Lois has done but I'll take a nurse over a drama queen Teabagger any day!!
Corner of Shame...
some of the folks in the Carp foothills are confused about the upcoming elections....I see Stoker signs, I see Watson signs, and I see Meg for a New California signs...these are bad signs..these people were born under a bad sign...most of them are plastered on the property at the corner of 192 and Nidever by the Polo Grounds..the president of the Carp school board, Terry Hickey Banks owns it and she's a Teabagger and faux farmer....these bags want a Republican slate that will remove the farm workers from California as Stephen Colbert eloquently pointed out before Congress..naturally most of what he said went over their heads...that means the guys and gals who work on Carpinteria ranches and farms would be shipped back to Mexico if Stoker, Watson and Meg get elected...I see a range war breaking out in Carp among the ranch interests here..the real ranchers vs the gentleman acres is the place for me!!

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