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Monday, October 11, 2010

College party gone bad: Date Rape (Four LOKO) Drug Culprit as Dozen Students OD and puke out in central Washington town?

Beware of strange drinks at a college party!

CBS News reports that drinks May Have Been Spiked, Say Revelers Who Were at College Party in Small Town Outside Seattle

Officers expected the revelers to flee when they arrived at a
house party in a small central Washington town, where they say a dozen young people overdosed on an unknown substance. But they didn't expect the chaos they found inside after kicking down the door because no one responded, police said.

Unconscious and semi-unconscious partygoers were scattered throughout the home, and one man was found engaging in a sexual act with a semiconscious female, who was later determined to be his girlfriend, police said.

"The house was packed with people. We found people passed out, incoherent, of all different levels of intoxication ... (some) in need of medical attention" Cle Elum Sgt. Monty Moore said. "There was vomit everywhere, inside and out." In the basement, some of those who were sober had tried to help others by putting them on beds, couches or mattresses. "However, not one person chose to call 911," Cle Elum Police Chief Scott Ferguson said.

"Everything was going fine, the music was playing, people were having fun - and then all of a sudden all the girls were puking everywhere," freshman Katelynn Allen told the station. "Girls were outside on their backs."

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