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Monday, October 11, 2010

Carl Paladino: I'm Owed Apology over Anti-Gay Remarks New York Post Sells out to Andrew Cuomo

As this brouhaha continues, I must admonish The New York Post, the so-called conservative-leaning in New York City. I have been a purchaser of this paper for over 30 years and I must say they have totally sold out to the Cuoma camp and are not reporting in a fair and blamed way.

You need only to look at the confrontation between editor Fred Dicker of the Post and Paladino to see exactly where the Post stands in looking out for the interests of Andrew Cuomo.

It was the Post who reported in a headline that Paladino called Homosexuals-dysfunctional. I used the headline for a title on this blog and had since scrubbed it because Paladino claims he didn’t say those words.

I’ll continue to purchase the New York Post but they have done New York a tremendous disservice for looking out for the interests for another tax and spend Liberal like Andrew Cuomo.

The New York Post as far as this campaign for NY Gov has become no better than MSNBC.

CBS News reports that New York Gubernatorial Candidate Stands by Comments on Homosexuality, but Says He's Owed Apology for What He Didn't Say

New York Republican gubernatorial candidate
Carl Paladino ignited a firestorm Sunday, telling Orthodox Jewish leaders that he doesn't want children "brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality" is acceptable. But the would-be governor thinks he's the one who is owed an apology after the media reported on comments he never actually uttered.

Paladino, who has received strong support from conservative-libertarian "tea party" activists, spoke at a synagogue in Brooklyn's Williamsburg section while trying to strike a contrast between himself and his Democratic rival, state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.

In his remarks, he criticized Cuomo for marching in this summer's gay pride parade, saying "that's not how God created us and that's not the example that we should be showing our children."

He added that children who later in life choose to marry people of the opposite sex and raise families would be "much better off and much more successful." "I don't want them to be brainwashed into thinking that homosexuality is an equally valid and successful option," he said. But he skipped one line in his prepared text

"There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual." That remark, which Paladino said was suggested by his "hosts at the synagogue," made its way into media reports about the event after a draft of the speech was circulated by the congregation, without first clearing it with the campaign, according to campaign manager Michael Caputo. Appearing on CBS' "The Early Show" Monday, Paladino said local media owes him an apology for the erroneous reporting. "I think I made a very, very clear statement. …

The people at the Daily News and the [New York] Post that continue this pariah attitude that they've got to come and chase me for every darn thing, I think they owe me an apology at some point."

Adding to the uproar, eight alleged gang members were charged Sunday in the vicious beating last week of two teen boys and a 30-year-old man. Authorities say anti-gay bias was the motive for the alleged attack. Paladino said it wasn't his intention to add fuel to the fire of gay hatred. "This thing was highlighted only because of the words that were on a written statement that I did not speak.

I crossed them out.

They were unacceptable to me and that's the only reason we are talking about it today because those words were given by someone to the press and the press, in their own pariah way, needed to write something … so that's why this thing gets like this."

But Paladino stood by the rest of his comments. "I want to clearly define myself. I have of no reservations about gay people at all, none, except for one thing, their desire to get married. …

I feel that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Very clearly, I wanted to state that. "Now, in addition, I have a nephew and … I have people working for me who are gay.

Never had a problem with any of them, never had a problem in any sense with their lifestyle and we've talked about it often. …

I talk to them about the discrimination that they suffer and I'm sensitive to it. He went on to say that homosexuality was "not an easy life." "It's a very, very difficult life. Most of them don't choose it. … The discrimination that they suffer is very, very difficult and I'm totally sensitive to it.

More details here

UPDATE: New York Post Scrubs original headline

But this is what it was see here as they initially reported it.

From Memeorandum
New York Post:
Paladino calls gays ‘dysfunctional’ — Tweet — Carl Paladino says it's not okay to be gay. — “There is nothing to be proud of in being a dysfunctional homosexual,” the Republican gubernatorial candidate told a small Hasidic group at K'hal Adas Kasho synagogue in Williamsburg today.
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Discussion: Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Weasel Zippers and The Daily Caller

Will the Post apologize to Carl Palafino?


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