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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Justin Bieber Launches Glittery Nail Polish Line.

When I first read this I thought, “That’s so Gay!”

But, I don’t want Anderson Cooper coming after me.

So, after further reflection, I thought, “That so smart for Justin to do!”

He’ll sell tons of of polish to his screaming teenie girls that swamp to buy his stuff.

E Online reports that after penning a pseudo-memoir at the ripe old age of 16, what's the next step for Justin Bieber?

Nail polish, apparently.

The Biebs is giving fans one more reason to give him a hand at his scream-inducing concerts, with a line of glittery nail polish aptly dubbed, "One Less Lonely Girl," according to fashion site

Bieber's collection, hawked by the brand Nicole, will be sold exclusively at Walmart during the holidays, and will later be offered by Target, Sears and Ulta.

The mini-mogul, who is set to release his first book, Justin Bieber: First Step 2 Forever: My Story October 12, already sells lines of bedding, dolls and toys, just to name a few.

Brilliant business move for the Beiber!



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