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Thursday, October 21, 2010

New York is not Hymietown, it’s Idiottown if they vote in Andrew Cuomo

Are New Yorkers about to go the way of California, Michigan, and to some extent New Jersey, by electing another tax and spend Democrat, trying to pass himself off as a conservative?

If you believe the latest poll, it looks like it will. I for one am dumbfounded! I thought New Yorkers were a pretty shrewd bunch of people. But, if they elect another Albany insider, who is a cheap knock off of his father, former gov Mario Cuomo, New Yorkers deserve what they get.

They will deserve a continuation of the same Albany dysfunction that exits today because Andrew Cuomo won’t change a thing.

Oh, he talks a good game! But, Andrew Cuomo is like that pretty girl who bats her eyes at you, but never puts out.

The labor unions are his true love and he won’t fulfill his promise to cut 20% of their jobs.

In an era where the country is about to resoundingly reject the Obama agenda, New York seems to be stuck in a cocoon where common sense doesn’t penetrate.

One party rule (Democrat) has gotten New York on the brink of financial ruin and the voters of New York are behaving like Oliver Twist-please Sir, I want some more.

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