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Monday, December 27, 2010

Black residents snowed in Queens New York

It was rough going this morning indeed!

After getting up 4:00 in the morning to shovel out the front of my house and digging out my wife’s car from what seemed like Mount Kilimanjaro, I ended up waiting an hour and a half for a bus that never came.

Hempstead Avenue was a mess of cars slipping and sliding away, empty busses lined up because the intersection of Hempstead and Springfield wasn’t plowed, and people cussing and wandering about unable to find a bus just to stay warm even though they’d be stuck in the snow with nowhere to go in a sea of white.

So, there it is.

I gave it a good try to get to work, but city employees let me down.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg
deserves some hits here because I’ve seen worse blizzards than this. But, us residents of south eastern Queens which is mostly Black usually get the short end of the stick. And as anyone knows me as a conservative, I rarely pull the race card.

But, I’m pulling that bad boy today!

Peace and stay warm America.

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