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Saturday, December 25, 2010

do you see what I see...

Rincon Creek is flowing like a ribbon..but what's that little blueish circle yonder??

have you ever noticed that Wendy can't quite get up the gumption to wish you a Merry Christmas personally, so she relies on old News-Press editorials from way before she owned the paper..I predict that within one year, the News-Press will be sold..then WTF will I do?? I'll become a folksinger!!

Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crecen las palmas Yo soy un hombre sincero De donde crecen las palmas Y antes de morirme quiero Echar mis versos del alma Chorus: Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Guantanamera Guajira Guantanamera Mi verso es de un verde claro Y de un carmin encendido Mi verso es de un verde claro Y de un carmin encendido Mi verso es un ciervo herido Que busca en el monte amparo.... I am a truthful man from this land of palm trees.. Before dying I want to share these poems of my soul.. My verses are light green but they are also flaming my pants!! round yon virgins.. round yon virgins.. round yon virgins. round yon virgins.. round yon virgins..round yon virgins.. round yon virgins.. round yon virgins.and have a Merry Christmas!!!

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