GOOD!!! the Republicans killed the pork that was supposed to fund the Highwyay 101 widening project thru Carpinteria...the project can't be completed unless the the Carp Creek bridge redo is included..see the clairvoyent feds are worried that in 100 years a flood will take the bridge what, I'll be elsewhere...and Carp city councilman Joe Arnemdariz acts like he's surprised! what a joke this guy is! now he's been appointed chair of the unnecessary SBCAG body and he's going to Washington to lobby again for more pork! As head of the SBCTA, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing..these guys don't care about the taxpayers, they care about preserving a few rich folks standard of living and bustng unions..they don't care squat about waste!
what is Santa Barbara County Associations of Government? a bunch of gov't entities get together and spend money...
SBCAG is responsible for all regional transportation planning within Santa Barbara County, including identifying and funding major infrastructure improvements, determining transit needs, creating and updating bicycle and pedestrian master plans, determining the feasibility of and planning for enhancements to the passenger rail system, and developing and implementing ongoing efforts to reduce traffic congestion throughout the region...
well, if that's the charge of SBCAG, they've done a lousy job over the last ten seems they've spent a lot of money but for what? landscaping, electrified crosswalks..pissing away money left and right!! I guess I gotta check into this body to see what is up with these people....attend a few meetings....and Carp has already spent over one million dollars on a crazy huge footbridge spanning a little of the biggest problems with these people is they OVER-ENGINEER.....and this brown bridge is starting to corrode already!!....Lois Capps is also to blame for porking Carpinterians....the widening project through Carp was way too extravagant...this was explained to me by the current head of Public Works, who, a few months ago, said the project will happen and there will be extensive landscaping, planting natives and ripping out non, what has that got to do with freeway widening...NOTHING.. forget the bridge and widening in this area because just down the freeway less than a mile around Bates Road, it turns into three lanes!!!
and Caltrans has just spent millions on landscaping and irrigation in Carpinteria that has had negative I applaud the Republicans for taking away the credit card from these people who don't understand the value of a dollar! or how to add a few freeway passing lanes!
now, will the trip by Armendariz, Carabajal and Joni Gray be paid for by the taxpayers? why do all three have to go? and again the trio will ask for funds...the problem is these political leaders couldn't wheel and deal their way out of a paper bag!! they need to tell the feds to take a hike!
the highway project can be done by attention to details: maintain the highway, stop wasteful projects like native-only plantings, some areas don't need three lanes, so it's time to move on and widen only where it makes sense...details which these folks don't seem to understand....ya know Joe, if you spent more time studying the issues instead of attending private parties for the well-heeled zombies in Montecito, you might be an effective representative instead of a puppet for the rich...pull some strings...
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