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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Joan of Arc...

"they can go fuck themselves!"..Joan Rivers tells FOX News....

oh, thank goodness for Joan Rivers..back in the old days she was blazing a trail for women to stand up in front of an audience and tell it like it is...tell it funny, crude, truthful, just tell it....Joan was way ahead of her time and finally the world caught up with her...and she's still at it!!

FOX canceled Joan's appearance on a morning show because Joan said critics were right to blame Sarah Palin for the Tuscon massacre...she criticized Palin, who works for FOX, so they censored her!! and she tells them to go fuck themselves..YOU TOO NEWS-PRESS!!! everybody say it: NEWS-PRESS, GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!

now here's an interesting parallel between FOX owner Rupert Murdoch and News-Press owner Wendy McCuckoo..both supreme hypocrites who try to control their environments with money..Dr. Laura used to write page 2 columns for the News-Press. When another columnist at the N-P criticized Dr. Laura : I take this from a reader's comments:

in 2006, she Dr. Laura complained about a fellow columnist's reference to her having "cojones." The N-P ran an apology in which it accused the other columnist -- a licensed psychologist -- of an "inappropriate personal attack." the columnist, a real psychologist and editor were fired or quit....

Dr. Laura and Wendy always cry about their free speech rights, but anyone says anything they don't like, they complain and try to control it by unleashing a big PR campaign! Now, Dr. Laura is still smarting from her pathetic treatment of caller who wanted her help..Dr. Laura berated and belittled the listener, who happened to be black, and then launched into a tirade of racial epiteths like her son did in the Army....the press seized on the moment to point out Dr. Laura's quackiness, and what does she do.. she cries about it..and she hasn't stopped crying and blaming everybody else..this time she blames CNN..instead of running to Wendy, Dr. Laura ran to Rupert and cried to Hannity about her poor little victimhood....of course, Dr. Laura will keep up this behavior until her book is published soon..a book about being betrayed!! It's all to try to sell books...

Dr. Laura lost her radio show ..lost her now she's flailing around a like a fish out of water....she's an old hack, a has-been, a never-was, a fraud, a what does she want, an Emmy award???

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