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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

John Boehner officially becomes Speaker of the House


Finally, the nightmare course that President Obama and the Democrats have put America through is stopping dead in its tracks.

Don’t pay attention to the Obama loving mainstream media that are doing their best mislead the public. The reason the Democrats lost The House is due to the fact that the United States is not a European socialist democracy!

The people have spoken and will continue to speak at the ballot box.

Liberalism has put California, Michigan, New Jersey and New York on the brink of insolvency and President Obama was poised to do the same thing for the nation as a whole with his oppressive job killing big government policies.

But, America has awakened from the nightmare and a new day is dawning.

CBS News reports that the power in the House of Representatives shifted to the Republicans today when Republican leader John Boehner was officially elected Speaker, creating a new challenge for President Obama's Democratic agenda.

After two years of embracing their status as the "party of no," Republicans say they are ready to take the reins and put new emphasis on cutting government spending and reducing the size of the federal bureaucracy.

"The American people have humbled us. They have refreshed our memories as to just how temporary the privilege to serve is," Boehner said after taking the speaker's gavel. "Hard work and tough decisions will be required of the 112th Congress. No longer can we fall short. No longer can we kick the can down the road. The people voted to end business as usual, and today we begin carrying out their instructions."
But as the House got down to business, partisan jabs also returned from a winter break, CBS News Correspondent Nancy Cordes reports.

"Our mission is not to redistribute wealth or tell people how to live their lives," Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor said after officially being installed as majority leader.

All but nine of the 96 new members are Republicans.
"My head is somewhat spinning because not 20 minutes ago the new speaker of the House stood where you are and said he was going to be listening to people," Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y., said while speaking on the floor.

Boehner received 241 votes from the new House, in which Republicans have a 49-seat majority. Outgoing Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi received 173, and 19 votes were cast for other congressmen. After his election, Boehner walked to the podium with tears in his eyes (
as he is wont to do). His colleagues gave him a standing ovation.

Republicans' goal is to "give government back to the people," Boehner said.

More details here

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