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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thank you Jared Lee Loughner for helping The Left shoot themselves in the foot

It’s been a week since the shooting, but it feels more like a month. It’s been a time for tears and grief, sadness and questions. We discovered new heroes, acts of kindness, and strength of character.

However, we’ve also seen insensitivity and political calculation. Within 2 hours of the shooting a prominent member of the Left who I won’t even mention because he’s not worth my keystrokes, pointed a finger of blame at Conservatives in this country as having goaded a mentally sick young man into performing an act of chilling horror.

None of the accusations have been proven to be true!

But, what has happened is the Left has once again exposed themselves for what they truly are, a bunch of liars masquerading as the most compassionate people in the world.

What you have to understand about Leftists is that they don’t realize they’re lying, most of the time. They live in a world of their own deception, striving for a Utopia in which all needs are provided for and everyone lives in harmony. In their world, no one can exceed more than anyone else because that would leave others behind with less.

And that wouldn’t be fair.

In fact, the word “fairness’ is on of the Leftist’s favorite words. However, what they really mean is “equalness”.

This philosophy is not shared by the majority of the American people. But, Left thinks they know better than most people anyway and they will say anything to manipulate people into agreeing with them.

Part of that strategy is insuring that public education in our inner city schools, that they control, continue to fail. This achieves the following result:

1. A less educated electorate that can be better manipulated by the Leftist’s favorite buzz words (‘racist’, “homophobe”, “social justice” and yes “fairness” )

2. When schools fail, what do teachers unions say? “We need more money.” More teacher pay means more collected dues, and who do they contribute to? You guessed it, the Democrat Party.

But, the biggest part of the strategy is the Leftist propaganda that is disseminated through the media and Pop Culture.

The message is a relentless attack on all traditional values that are contrary to Liberal ideas. This is why they hate the Tea Party so much because it’s the biggest threat to their deception schemes to make America a socialists paradise by spending ourselves into oblivion so they can create their new Utopia from the ruins.

Conservatives are their arch enemy and the events after the Arizona Massacre is teaching moment for even more people to realize that Liberals are not the compassionate creatures they proclaim to be.

Thank you Leftists being yourselves!

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