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Monday, May 30, 2011


makes the heart grow fonder

If you are Sarah Palin's daughter and you're at a secluded beach with me on Memorial Day being pressured to have sex, you have three choices: yes, no, or abstain...I will not preach to you youngsters, just be careful with your sex organs..they are powerful things..that's my advice....YES, NO or ABSTAIN....remember these choices because they are germane to the story....

ok so the News-Press never stops giving me a reason to make fun of them...godammit are they'll remember the poll they ran a month ago asking their readers about the city workers and union thugs...well they said 300 people responded..that must be a measure of success to the News-Press because they got another poll now asking about county workers!

I think the News-Press is trying rather lamely to drum up propaganda against unions and public real Americans....and they have discovered that repeating the same thing in editorials and guest editorials by guest employee Lanny Ebenstein may not be very effective, so they are turning to polls....polls that mean nothing unless you're insane like Wendy and Nipper and Don and Scott.... and Lanny obviously wrote the questions

the thing that made me laugh was the choice of answers...they ask you questions and provide you with three answer possibilities: YES___ NO___ or ABSTAIN______

for example: do you feel safer living in the county that you did 5 years ago? YES______ NO______ ABSTAIN_______

do you think the county unions have your best interests at heart? YES____ NO_____ ABSTAIN____

if you are running a poll, no matter how vapid or silly, you want an answer to your questions....polls give insecure people a feeling of belonging..they are not a measure of anything and do not prove anything...kinda like a lie detector test...but when you ask a question, you expect an answer...offering a chance for the pollee to abstain from responding to your poll question kinda defeats the purpose of the poll, duddin it?? I mean, if your trying to gage the sentiment of your readers, why would you ask them not to respond??

Abstain as an answer choice that doesn't fit in a poll, even a stupid News-Press doesn't make any sense...

if you sit on the City Council or Board of Supes, you might abstain from a vote for various reasons, but if you are responding to a poll, why would you abstain from answering it??

you could use "abstain" as part of a poll question such as ... do you think Nipper abstains from having sex with Wendy?" YES_____ NO____ HE'S QUEER MAYBE_______

and remember this on Memorial guests at the News-Press and all your little pals are too stupid to bust the unions...... the American working class and fighting men and women, who often work in gov't jobs after military service, won't allow it.....

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