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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Don’t believe the hype. The Left knows Palin could beat the community organizer if she runs

Shakespeare once wrote, “Thou protest too much!”

And so is the case with Liberals who routinely mock Palin as being stupid and not much of a commodity. However, their actions giveaway their true feelings of fear because they know she represents everything they hate-traditional values, common sense, and liberty.

The Left is a collection of misfits and freaks. You name the aberrant behavior and there’s a 100% certainty that they would find a home on the Left. If men or woman wanted to marry goats and have sex with 5 year old children, it would be the Left who’d be Johnny on the spot to defend it and call it xxx-empowerment or a civil right issue.

This is who these people are, and they’ll do or say most anything to corvine the world they’re the mainstream.

It ain’t so!

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