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Monday, June 27, 2011

Is Bachmann getting John Wayne’s birthplace wrong really worse than Barack Obama forgetting that he’s a Christian?

And so the Palinization of Michele Bachmann by the Leftwing blosoasphere begins!

In an interview of Michele Bachmann, she stated that John Wayne was born in Waterloo, Iowa. As a huge John Wayne fan myself, I knew he was born in Winterset, Iowa. However, his parents met, fell in love, and were married in Waterloo and lived there for time before moving to Winterset.

Video from Fox News

No big deal, right?

Not for the Leftwing whack jobs—they are putting out the comical idea that Bachmann cited the wrong John Wayne, and saying she was referring to serial killer John Wayne Gacy who was born in Waterloo.

How convoluted is that?

John Wayne was born in 1907. Gacy was born in 35 years later in 1942 at the height of Wayne’s popularity as a movie star. No doubt Gacy was named after Wayne. But, the Leftwing loonies want people to think that Bachmann was thinking about a serial killer.

The Politico

Michele Bachmann misstated Iowa (and Hollywood) history when she said John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, but she may have been thinking of Wayne's parents, who had at least a brief connection to the town.

From the biography, "John Wayne: American":Clyde [Wayne's father] was twenty and Molly [his mother] was nineteen when they met. She fell in love with him because he was kind, handsome and well educated. He would, she thought, be easy to live with and a good provider. They had not dated long and did not know each other very well, but Clyde was about to take a job at a pharmacy in Waterloo, Iowa, and they decided to get married. Rather than bother with a church wedding, they eloped, traveling to Knoxville, in Marion County, where Justice of the Peace I.H. Garrison married them on September 29, 1905. They made their first home in Waterloo …

The instability that stalked them for the rest of their time together appeared early. They both wanted to leave Waterloo and get closer to their parents. Molly was emotionally tied to her mother and father, as was Clyde to his family. Waterloo was more than 115 miles from Des Moines and 150 miles from Indianola … Winterset, the county seat of Madison County, was about 35 miles from Des Moines and only 20 miles from Indianola, perfect for both of them. They rented a small frame house on South Second Street in Winterset and started a new life there.

So, we can play these games too. How about Barack Obama forgetting his religion? Or is he really a Muslin?


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