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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

two lane blacktop

my pappy said "son you're gonna drive me to drinkin' if you don't stop driving that hot rod Lincoln"...

well, I went into your town yesterday, to Trader Joe's and I was stone cold sober..if the cops stopped me and arrested me for drunk driving then I will investigate them...

but on the way back I ran three stop signs and almost hit a Mexican dude in a crosswalk in Montecito...and no cops stopped me so I guess it might be true that the Santa Barbara police are biased against drunk drivers...

so the Peter Lance series spawned some more series from the Lanny Ebenstein's got a two parter about public pensions and his economic lecture from a slumlord who is losing his properties to foreclosure in Eureka...what next, a three- parter from a child molester on how to babysit?? ....and still no letters to the NP editor about the series...I guess to Wendy, freedom of speech is a one way street! geez these folks are wackos

speaking of wackos, some folks (a weird convergence of Mesa architects) are trying to make me slow down on Cliff Drive.... they say they want to protect their kids but we know damn well it's their dogs they are concerned about...the council and even Mike Self caved to the pressure and now we all have to go slow on a state highway so we don't upset some designer dogs!!

When I go to La Cumbre Plaza to shop, I like to come back thru Hope Ranch, visit Wendy and Snoop, and then hit the gas right around Hendry's..on up that hill to the Mesa...that's a cool hill and I got a V8 so I love passing those little toy cars the hippies and yuppies drive...VAROOOOOM!! dust them bad!!
With a four-barrel carb and a dual exhaust, with 4-11 gears you can really get lost. Got safety tubes but I ain't scared, the brakes are good, tires fair.

you think a little two lane blacktop is gonna slow me down???

It's got a Lincoln motor and it's really souped up ..That Model A body makes it look like a pup... It's got eight cylinders, uses them all... It's got overdrive, just won't stall

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