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Sunday, October 12, 2008

psycho killer...

Qu'est-ce que c'est....

Every now and then I work up the courage to get into Santa Barbara...a little shopping, a little "how do" to is a risk though..I could be attacked by a sociopath..not Wendy or Travis or Dr. Laura at the NewsPress, but a little gang member with nothing to lose might decide to rob or kill me..or I could come out of Borders and step right in the middle of a melee... brain-damaged ten year old Mexican kids led by cowardly Mexican men to do battle with bats and knives instead of playing soccer or something...shaved heads and prison garb..the least they could do is sing and dance once in a while like in "West Side Story"...and where are the city cops??..nowhere to be found when I'm in town!
And the homeless...who do they think they are walking around like they are people? They scare me because poverty scares me..altho I will say they are very nice when they talk to me...if I'm going to be "God blessed" by someone, I feel it is more sincere coming from a homeless woman than, say, a Christian! and of course I give them a few quarters when I can because I know some right wing wacko somewhere doesn't want me to..and as Phil Ochs once said.."there but for fortune, go you or I"..
Well, I was walking through De La Guerra Plaza and some kids were playing congas and flutes and doing a little dance..very physical and energetic..and very entertaining on a Saturday afternoon and somehow I felt less afraid..the kids are alright!
I also noticed the NewsPress building could use a new coat of paint...
and someone needs to remove that graffiti!!

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