Sunday, November 30, 2008
A Natural Man...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
iF Magazine Interview With Howard Gordon (Parts 2 & 3)

Here are the other two parts of iF Magazine's interview with '24'Executive Producer/Writer Howard Gordon.
I got a BS in BS from Channel Islands University!
Now, do you really think killing 5000 pigs and "removing" a few golden eagles had anything to do with the "recovery"..of course not! First of all, they didn't recover..they were not endangered to begin with.. the population fluctuated for a number of reasons, distemper
Animal Cruelty has been a felony in California since 1988 and carries a maximum jail term of three years ... and exterminating animals for being labeled non-native is animal cruelty, pure and simple.. I am pro-hunting but most hunters will tell you this is mindless long before these inane policies spread to the mainland..US Fish and Wildlife people come knocking on your door wanting to confiscate your dog or cat for being "non-native"!
Bionativism rears its ugly head again as the "science of malice and intolerance"...Parks Biologists continue their cowardly actions... this is not hunting or culling, this is extermination..there's big difference! Did you ever see the ads on TV..drug companies have flooded the market with drugs that are supposed to treat everything from ADD to ED (both made-up disorders!)..but the drugs have side effects that CAN KILL YOU! It is absurd what they try to sell and what they expect the public to swallow....these are the tactics used by biologists on the Channel Islands..the side effects of restoration are much worse than the supposed disease or cure...biologists create an ecological "problem" or disease and then offer a cure..if the public buys into it, you got a job for life..killing things that create "problems!! It is an absolutely foolish way to approach or control nature...the consequences are everywhere..poison, removing "non-native" plants that stabilize is a mindset that needs to change, or the taxpayers will be throwing money into an abyss forever.
The restorations must be accompanied by an independent media...people need to see the poisoning, killing and destruction that goes on and the consequences to the environment....
Species wiped out by "biologists" so far on the Channel Islands:
pig eradication to benefit island fox ...(or native species)
turkey eradication to benefit island fox...
sheep eradication to benefit island fox...
fennel eradication to benefit island fox...
golden eagle eradication/removal to benefit island fox..
rat eradication to benefit island fox..
raccoons killed
deer to be killed for being "invasive"
olive trees gone because they are non -native
and the latest proposal..kill all cats on San Nicolas island..a year long killing spree
The bottom line is this is hype..pure and simple...the fox would have been fine with the pigs and golden eagles. This was island species cleansing...and a shameful chapter in the Parks Service and Nature Conservancy legacy..
Friday, November 28, 2008
cover up my head..
so NewsPress... stop bitching, accept the community's goodwill and help to those who deserve it.. and especially to those who don't..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Cool Season 7 Music Video Produced By FOX
Here it is:
Eh! Hosers! Happy Thanksgiving...
Hey, how's the weather down there in good ol' Santa know if you scramble the letters in Santa you come up with Satan..hey hey my my..
Well, Me, Trig and Shooter went out to the north forty and bagged a turkey and a liberal..see the pics! That's the neck-breakin' contraption in the back ground there...that sucker never had a chance...I am
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Three Days of the Turkey...
I recall one time he called city workers "miscreants" for gathering at City Hall during union now we have Randy writing for the Daily Sound and blaming the auto workers for the Big Three money problems...let me clear this up for you collars workers aren't to blame..white collar management is to blame..Enron, Aig, CitiGroup, and all the others living too high on the turkey, mismanaging, not caring at all about the companies....the autoworkers made major concessions to keep the GM, Ford and the other guy solvent..but management kept screwing up..and the shareholders didn't demand they be fired! So this is not about unions, Randy Dickhead, this is about MISMANAGEMENT...workers in America demand a decent wage, benefits for their families and a stake in the company they work for..if managers don't understand that, they are destined to be failures, like probably drive a little Prius you little pussy...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New '24' Season 7 Behind The Scenes Trailer
Idle Waggers...
Since Santa Barbara restaurants won't let dogs in, Dr. Laura decided to kill her little poodle Beebe and stuff it! That way she can bring it into posh Montecito eatery Tre Lune and dine without worries! The dog's neck was broken by putting it head first into one of those turkey -killing machines they use in Alaska that Sarah Palin showed us..just put the turkey or animal head first into the machine, then pull a lever and break its neck... Simple and effective...
Dr. Laura invited cute piece of ass to her YouTube show to discuss..LESBIAN SEX!! Notice the young tart looking at camera with smiley anticipation! I wanna watch you two on youtube...please..I'll beg like a dog, Laura..PLEASE!!
after seeing this story, the Channel Islands biologists and Nature Con contracted the Iraq police to "take care" of the remaining "non-native" varmints on the islands...
BAGHDAD (Nov. 23) - Baghdad authorities killed more than 200 stray dogs on Sunday, the opening day of a campaign to cull dog packs roaming the capital that was prompted by a spate of fatal attacks on residents.
Three teams of veterinarians and police officers used poisoned meat and rifles to kill the animals, said Dr. Hassan Chaloub, an official at the veterinary hospital supervising the effort. He said the capital has no dog shelters. dogs are terrorists!!?
We invaded Iraq to liberate these idiots??
Monday, November 24, 2008
FOX Restores The '24' Franchise
"Eighteen months was just enough time for Jack Bauer to hibernate.
Mr. Bauer, the counter-terrorism agent character played by Kiefer Sutherland on the Fox drama “24,” returned in top form on Sunday night, drawing 12 million viewers to a two-hour movie titled “24: Redemption.”"
Source: NY
Considering '24' has been off the air since May 2007, these ratings were encouraging to me. Apparently, a lot of people missed Jack!
Monday Morning Quarterback...
On November 22, 2008, Baumgartner was annouced as the Grand Marshall of Santa Barbara's Holiday Parade on December 5, 2008
now would someone tell me why??
how about a firefighter or volunteer or local employee??
visit SBDowntown to voice your displeasure..
VATICAN CITY - The Vatican's newspaper has finally forgiven John Lennon for declaring that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, calling the remark a "boast" by a young man grappling with sudden fame.
The comment by Lennon to a London newspaper in 1966 infuriated Christians, particularly in the United States, some of whom burned Beatles' albums in huge pyres. "The remark by John Lennon, which triggered deep indignation mainly in the United States, after many years sounds only like a 'boast' by a young working-class Englishman faced with unexpected success, after growing up in the legend of Elvis and rock and roll," Vatican daily Osservatore Romano said.
The article, marking the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' "The White Album," went on to praise the pop band.
"The fact remains that 38 years after breaking up, the songs of the Lennon-McCartney brand have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time, becoming a source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians," it said.
very sexy...
Nipper informs us in his girlfriend's paper he has won the prestigious IRHA for radio travel show "Around the World"...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
This is your nose...
the Miramar Connection
Now, how does all this relate to the Miramar? Well, Schrager and Wendy's ex Craig McCaw gave money to junk bond crook Michael Milken who was found guilty of fraud and tax evasion and one hundred other things related to investment schemes..his karma was soooo bad he developed prostrate cancer in his 40's. Then he tries to atone by starting a cancer research foundation..that is where all the donations are going..millions upon millions for cancer research..the most researched disease in the history of the world! The point of all this is nosegays of a feather grow together! This is why the NewsPress tried to paint Schrager's brief ownership of the Miramar as a resounding success! They crowed about how well the cottages were kept until Neil Diamond lookalike Rick Caruso got a hold of them...
and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if NewsPress sympathizer Elaine-from-Seinfeld, or even Oprah, was a cokehead, too...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Kiefer Sutherland On Charlie Rose - 11/20/08
Kiefer's always very interesting to listen to in this format.
Kiefer Sutherland On Conan O'Brien - 11/21/08
Kiefer Sutherland On Regis & Kelly - 11/21/08
The first is Regis & Kelly:
Boogie Nights....
the original Twisted Sisters of Disco...Nipper and his idols, Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell...
In fact, the partners in the unique concept say they will open units in Chicago, New York, Dallas, Houston and other cities.
How can a steady volume be generated by such a limited menu? The proprietors of Nipper's say that the allure of champagne is at least a partial explanation.
Some 89 varieties of French champagne--in a volume representing over 5% of the nation's annual consumption of imported bubbly--are poured for patrons of this peculiar hybrid, a champagne-themed nightclub-restaurant-disco.
Among Nipper's clientele is one regular who drops $1,000 nearly every day to entertain a few friends with champagne and the few available comestible "indulgences." Other well-heeled customers flock to Nipper's for private parties, one such group of 100 recently picking up a $35,000 tab. Nipper's normal capacity of about 150 can swell to more than 1,000 guests on occasion, when parties spill over to adjacent outdoor terraces.
Without the expenses of a traditional kitchen, and with labor costs of only 12% and food costs of less than 30% of sales, this offbeat entry into the luxury market is garnering the kind of profit margin that has inspired expansionism.
The two European-raised entrepreneurs responsible for Nipper's, Horatio Lonsdale-Hands and Arthur von Wiesenberger, intend to open 10 more Nipper's ("A dancing & drinking club open to gentlemen & ladies only") in American and Canadian cities from coast to coast over the next two years.
The cork-popping duo, who met when they were in their teens on the ski slopes of Switzerland, first turned their mutual affinity for champagne and caviar into a business reality little more than two years ago in Montecito, Calif., and affluent suburb of Santa Barbara.
The success of their initial Nipper's engendered the larger Beverly Hills unit, which opened last May on pricey Rodeo Drive in the exclusive Rodeo Collection mall. Annualized first-year sales volume, which reportedly will approach $2 million in the 2,200-sq.-ft., two-level Beverly Hills Nipper's, has given Lonsdale-Hands and von Wiesenberger reason to expect a $1.5 million per-unit minimum annual sales potential in each of their planned champagne-and-caviar emporiums.
Those units would open in Chicago, New York City, Dallas, Houston, Montreal, Toronto, Palm Beach, Boston, Denver and San Francisco.
The Patron who spends $1,000 a day at Nipper's may not be typical. Still, Nipper's appears to have found a niche in attracting "not the bulk crowd, but the quality crowd," according to Lonsdale-Hands.
Fern-bar fatigue and singles-bar saturation may have helped create the upscale consumer market being tapped by Nipper's and a host of other champagne-specialty concepts in cities across the country.
Meanwhile the owners of Nipper's are diligently capitalizing on the resurgence of interest in their prestigious, effervescent libation.
Lonsdale-Hands, who gravitated into investment banking from an earlier career in hospitality with Hilton, Intercontinental and Trust-house Forte hotels, now spends most of his waking hours at Nipper's as a proponent of Champagne and an upholder of "the good life."
Partner von Wiesenberger, a travel documentary filmmaker and author of books about bottled waters, exotic foods and champagne, is also thoroughly involved in promoting Nipper's sophisticated market niche. He helped modify the Nipper's concept from its origins as a champagne-and-wine tasting bar that also served various hors, d'oeuvres, had backgammon boards for entertainment and featured a retail wine shop section.
Initial success for the partners came in the wake of considerable conceptual finetuning. "We were not an overnight success in Santa Barbara," Lonsdale-Hands admits. "It took us nine months to make a name for ourselves."
After customer requests, the choice of five champagnes on Nipper's first wine list was expanded into what is now purportedly the largest array of French sparkling wines offered anywhere on earth under one roof.
Hors d'oeuvres were refined and limited to the current rarefield lineup of caviars, pate, fromage and patisserie. Backgammon and retail wine sales, incompatible with the partners' higher-volume business plan, were replaced by a thirst- and appetite-inducing disco dance floor and plusher surroundings.
Three house champagnes are offered by the glass from a selection that changes every six weeks, at prices that might range from $6.50 to $12.50 a glass. Full-bottle prices range from $32 for a current house selection to as high as $3,300 for a 1914 Moet et Chandon Brut Imperial. Six of Moet's Dom Perignon vintages range in price from $120 to $720 (for a magnum of 1971 rose).
Soviet and Iranian Beluga caviar sell for $35 per ounce. Iranian Ossetra Malassol caviar is $25 an ounce. An ounce of Russian Sevruga is $19. A portion of fresh pate de foie de canard is $15; a wedge of imported Brie is $5. Nipper's gateau au chocolat is also $5.
Though not listed on the seven-page menu, a few brands of beer, house wines by the glass and mineral waters are available.
Nipper's opens daily, except Sunday, at 4 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. a disc jockey takes over from taped music and a disco party begins on the upstairs dance floor. A cover charge of $10 on Thursday nights, and $15 on Fridays and Saturdays, ensures a degree of exclusivity and provides a tidy boost to revenue.
At the rate of about 20,000 cases of champagne sold per year in the Montecito and Beverly Hills units, Lonsdale-Hands and von Wiesenberger claim that Nipper's customers drink nearly 4% of the champagne imported from France into the United States annually, and about 5.5% of the French export actually consumed each year by Americans.
"I don't think most people, even those in the industry, are quite aware yet just how much champagne we sell," von Wiesenberger says, estimating that a cork pops for a Nipper's customer every 50 seconds.
Chicago is destined to be the next town where Nipper's pops its cork. An opening there by midyear would be the first of three new units planned for 1985.
COPYRIGHT 1985 Reproduced with permission of the copyright holder. Further reproduction or distribution is prohibited without permission.COPYRIGHT 2008 Gale, Cengage Learning
When a large hanging spoon came to rest under its nose, the man-in-the-moon lit up. They christened the club Studio 54, and the doors opened on April 16, 1977.
From the beginning, Shrager stayed in the background, in his office with the books, while Rubell pampered and partied with superstar guests like Andy Warhol and Liza Minelli. Almost overnight, Studio 54 became the hottest disco in New York, and to people in every corner of the globe it symbolized the decadence and hedonism of the Me Decade. Rubell guarded Studio’s door like a hawk, only letting in those he deemed glamorous enough. He also strove to find the perfect combination of black and white, straight and gay—what he called "mixing the salad." He was often rude to people he felt weren’t trying hard enough, saying things like, "Go home and change," or simply, "You’re ugly." But few wanted to argue with success; in its first year, Studio 54 made an estimated $7 million.
December, 1978*
After Rubell publicly bragged one too many times about how much the club was taking in, federal agents armed with guns and a search warrant raided the premises. Schrager is arrested for possession of cocaine.
June, 1979
Rubell & Schrager are charged with tax evasion, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.
December, 1979*
The club and owners are busted by 50 IRS Agents after being tip-offed by a disgruntled former employee and an article in a November 12, 1979 issue of New York Magazine.
*There were two IRS raids of the club. The first in December 1978. The second one (depicted in the movie "54" as 12/31/79) occurred in December, 1979.
January 18, 1980
Despite hiring heavyweight attorney Roy Cohn to defend them, Rubell and Schrager were each sentenced to 3 ½ years in federal prison and fined $20,000 each for tax evasion.
Friday, November 21, 2008
FOX All Access Interviews With '24: Redemption' Cast/Producers
Jack Bauer Fans Await 2-Hour Film Of '24: Redemption'
Jail House Rock!
BLOOMFIELD, Ind. (Nov. 20) - Three male and three
The inmates figured out how to remove metal ceiling panels in the Greene County Jail and used the passageway more than a dozen times in September and October, according to court documents.
The men — ages 44, 38 and 17 — and the women — ages 27, 26 and 21 — crawled through the ceiling after midnight, having sexual encounters and drinking homemade alcohol that was found hidden in the male cell block, a police affidavit said.
One male inmate who was not charged said the female inmates would "hang-out, play cards or have sex with some of the male inmates" in their cell block, the affidavit said.
The inmates were able to find a security camera "blind spot" where they could remove ceiling tiles and create a passage between the cell blocks, Sheriff Terry Pierce said Tuesday.
The inmates used a shower drain as a tool to loosen security screws and the ceiling tiles were carefully replaced so they did not appear to be disturbed, Pierce said.
"We could not see it," he said.
The ceiling panels have since been secured, and Pierce said he was seeking funding to improve security at the jail, which was built in 1994 in the city about 25 miles southeast of Bloomington.
Pierce called the inmates' activities "embarrassing" to himself and his staff.
"If your facility has a flaw, if you house prisoners in it, they will show you. They will find it," he said. "We're going to have to find a way to have a better security system."
Prosecutors have filed felony escape charges against the six inmates, who were awaiting trial on a variety of charges. Five of the inmates remain in the Greene County Jail, while one has been transferred to the Monroe County Jail in Bloomington.
Pierce said the investigation is ongoing and other current or former jail inmates may be charged.
Copyright 2008 The Associated Press.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Even More Reviews For 'Redemption'
New York Post:
New York Daily News:
The Buffalo News:
Bag o' Shit!
Cats are not a problem because, unlike dogs, they have manners and never leave a trace! Cool little animals except for the fleas and shedding issues...and the scary weird vacant stare they give you sometimes..I usually leave the room during those episodes...
the moral of the story is PICK UP AFTER YOUR DOGS!! (except, of course, mutts who look like Toto)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Even More Reviews...I Can't Keep Up!
Here are two more reviews from Reuters & Variety:
"Still, one question keeps nagging. If a burning hot machete applied to the side of his face won't make Jack tell where the African kids are hiding, how in the world did the legislative committee compel him to testify when he was similarly opposed to talking? Is torture by hot air more effective than torture by hot metal?"
"That's a lot of weight to drag around, and "24" fares best when the show wriggles out from under it -- playing like a thriller, as the movie does, with Sutherland barking lines like "Put down the weapon!" Carlyle also delivers a topnotch performance, as does a teeth-gritting Powers Boothe in a cameo as the outgoing president."
The complete review is linked here:
...And the "24: Redemption" Reviews Keep Rolling In
As we get closer to the premiere of "Redemption" (only 3 days away!), more reviews are popping up. Here are a couple just published today:
From Palm Beach
"A more subdued Sutherland (he’s not in full kick-butt mode) remains sensational in a role he was born to play. The Emmy-winning actor can still say more with a blank stare or a one-word answer than he can with 10 pages of dialogue."
Read The Complete Review Here:
From - Preview of '24: Redemption'
"One of the things you've seen over the last 7 years with Jack Bauer has been the terrible decision that he's had to make: Is it worth losing these 10 lives to save the hundred lives over here?" Sutherland says. "There's very few people in our world who have to make those horrible choices."
Read More Here:
Bonfires of the Vanities
Now we hear that the Tea Fire was caused by a group of students who built a bon fire up at the Tea House during a little party..they thought they put it out before they left, but the embers were flamed by sundowner winds and a catastrophe happened... there's nothing wrong with partying at the Tea House..everyone did it as's private property but never had any guards or measures to stop people from sneaking up naturally, we all did. All that's up there is ruins and an awesome feeling of I don't blame the students for being young..but the bonfire issue was beyond fires do not belong in the hills of Santa Barbara! You shouldn't need a college degree to figure that out!
so kids....drop out of school, get a job, tell mom and dad politely to fuck off, and then your real education will start....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
IF Magazine Interview With Howard Gordon - 11/18/08 (Part 1)

24: Redemption Soundtrack On iTunes

The Original Television Soundtrack for "24: Redemption" composed by Sean Callery is now available for purchase on iTunes.
I have already downloaded it and what I've heard so far is awesome! I believe it is some of the best work Sean Callery has ever composed. The African music influences really make it special.
Great work Sean!
New 30 Second "24: Redemption" Preview

Robert Carlyle Gives The Lowdown On His Role In "24: Redemption"

In a way, I guess he was my boss, but he wouldn’t have got away with anything like that with me, believe me! I know him too well. It sounds like a cliché but Kiefer’s an absolute gentleman. He’s a lovely, lovely guy. Anybody who’s met him will tell you the same thing. He’s a terrific guy."
Kiefer Sutherland On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno - 11/17/08
It was a very good interview. Enjoy!
the Well-Dressed Men...
the Santa Barbara version of "Blue Velvet"
starring Nipper and newest sidekick Don Katich as the "well-dressed man" ...
Some of the lowlights were Nipper trying to explain away the demise of the NewsPress with comments like "newsroom
The kicker was his explanation on reporting the unfounded charges that ex-editor Jerry Roberts was looking at child porn on his office computer..Nipper said he had to report it because "the NewsPress never suppresses news"....
He admitted that Travis Armstrong is there mainly to stir the pot and get ratings! He was not concerned with the content of Armstrong's columns or editorials! In other words, Travis can say whatever he wants and Wendy will back him up....with her skirts, money and lawyers!
he said he can't resolve the union issue because the union wants to control news content...
which of course is BS....unions can't control news content, that is not why they exist..they are there to stop work place abuses by management. This is why Nipper and Wendy are playing their little game...they just don't get the working class....
See that clock on the wall? In five minutes you are not going to believe what I just told you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jack Bauer Of '24' Seeks 'Redemption' In Movie

Pretzel Logic....
Now, speaking of shoes..LOOK AT WENDY'S!!...this came up at the last trial I attended against the NewsPress gang of four when crisis manager Agnes Huff (for whom I have a little boner fide) was whispering seductively on the witness stand. While I was looking her over and fantasizing I noticed that Agnes had pointy black shoes that were one size too big.. what a friggin turn on!'re no Agnes..
I'm not sure what this all means but I don't like it..not even a little bit..
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Redheads Drool....
A new political party has been formed called the "Red Haired People's Party (RHPP) and here's what they want: (so says Michael Heaton)
1) The term "red-head" be replaced by "Orange Follicled Americans" or "OFAs"
2) A national apology, memorial and financial compensation for the descendants of those OFAs who were burned at the stake as witches in Salem, Mass., in 1692.
3) All OFAs become available for Affirmative Action consideration and illegal immigration to Ireland.
4) free government sponsored anti-freckle sunscreen program for all OFAs.
ban all "Archie" comics
5) the planet Mars is henceforth called the Cool Red Dot in the Sky.When asked by reporters what plans she had for the party, RHPP chairperson Denise Zagnicky said: Some people are bringing dips and chips. We're doing a mostly cold salad thing. Beer, wine, soda and deviled eggs, but no paprika...
When I spotted Denise in a restaurant recently, I got a little taste of the angry red female..
Me: Hi Denise, I see you're wearing a red sweater today, may I call you "Red"?
Denise: May I take a knife to your throat and make that white shirt and bow tie you are wearing turn red the natural way?
Me: Sorry..hey, what are your three biggest concerns?
Denise: the price of sunscreen,crime and illegal irrigation.
Me: Illegal irrigation? You should visit Montecito sometime..they got the water on all the time everywhere!
Denise: Impressive..
I thanked her for stopping to at least talk to me and went home...later that night I decided to paint all the stop signs in town blue.. just for Denise and her odd friends, the Red Headed Strangers.....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tea Fire takes News-Press publisher's house...
"Dear Nipper,I heard that you lost your Mountain Drive home in the fire. I'm so sorry. If there is anything we can do to help you please call me.
Bless you"
I'm sorry to hear it too Nipper...but look on the bright side....just get Wendy to buy you another one, pal!
Friday, November 14, 2008
The God of Hell Fire Rips thru Montecito..
I couldn't believe some of the houses burning down, shown from the KCAL 9 chopper..huge huge huge mansions inexplicably built on unstable hillside terrain..completely unnatural..going up like tinder boxes when hot Santa Ana winds blowing 70 MPH come roaring thru the canyons. There's going to be some close looks at how these got built in such a high fire danger area...Mountain Drive used to be a hang out long ago and has always been a pristine place with a just a few houses and lots of nature..a perfect balance until recently..people have moved here from god knows where and there ensued a building frenzy..mother nature took care of that last night..WOW!
Paula Lopez and the folks at KEYT did a great job all night providing info and video in tough circumstances..
Thursday, November 13, 2008
New "24: Redemption" Trailer (11/9/08)

It has a few new scenes along with what has been seen before including some new dialogue between Benton and Jack.
Crazy Aunt in the Basement..
Well, thankfully we will move on from the past 8 year debacle and put the Dianas of the world back in the basement..we'll let them out every now and then so they can try to absorb some light, but a fixated personality needs one thousand stars shining to break through the darkness..obviously Diana and her fellow rightwing blatherers are frozen, or fixed at an anxiety ridden stage from some childhood trauma.. like conservative parenting!
Uncle Ernie of Sandwich...
Well, I missed Ernie Soloman's interview with Nipper. Craig Smith covers it..
until next time, evil doers!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Kiefer Sutherland's Photographs On Display At "Captured In Africa" Exhibition