Santa Barbara’s Blog officially endorses Lois Capps for Congress... so fuckin' what! Pardon my french, Lois and with all due respect, I'd like to french kiss your daughter!
Passage of Measure G would mean an unlimited expansion in the City’s right to tax current and future innovations. Vote NO on Measure G. BS..Vote Yes on Measure G and contol the cell phone chatter and Wendy's profits...
Santa Barbara’s Blog officially endorses John MacKinnon for Judge. Another buyable judge for Wendy?
Help stop animal cruelty… vote Yes on Proposition 2. All propositions deserve a NO vote..I know you know that..these folks are pro-lifers for chickens!
Measure A would be the largest tax increase in the history of Santa Barbara County. Help save the environment, control growth, and vote yourself an everyday tax refund… No on Measure A. I agree, with the two birdbains..
For Blog readers in Solvang, give Jim Richardson your vote for Mayor. Solvang belongs to the Chumash now....
Please help elect Jacqueline Inda to the Santa Barbara School Board. NO NO NO...Kate Smith is a jewel! Inda looks like a gangsta gal...
$5 million was lost by the SB School Districts in 2007, and there are already three K-12 bond measures on local property tax bills… Vote NO on Measures H and I. OK, I agree with the Phantom Blogger....
For Blog readers in Carpinteria, please re-elect Joe Armendariz to the City Council. Ah, Bird, can you tell me why? Is it the gambling? the drinking? the Jesusfreakiness? the pals with Travis? Reddington and McWhirter are gonna win!
Libertarian News Press Endorses McCain and Palin...
nothing wrong with that, but...Bob Barr is the Libertarian candidate..less government, less war, less snooping into bedrooms, low taxes. Instead they endorse a war maniac and a fundamentalist religious zeolot?!?!
and there's only one reason they did pander to their ultra-conservative advertisers... any claim otherwise is total bull...the NewsPress says it went after Bush over the invasion of Iraq and environmental issues, but the truth is they paid little attention while Bush's conservatives put us into this clear and present danger. The NewsPress was more worried about Helene Schneider's bathroom remodel project than the war..and because their columnist Dr. Laura was a Bush cheerleader and warbanger, they pandered to her skinny little chickenhawk ass, too...
now that's an independent press...
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