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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Even More Reviews...I Can't Keep Up!

Here are two more reviews from Reuters & Variety:

"Still, one question keeps nagging. If a burning hot machete applied to the side of his face won't make Jack tell where the African kids are hiding, how in the world did the legislative committee compel him to testify when he was similarly opposed to talking? Is torture by hot air more effective than torture by hot metal?"

Full Review Here:

"That's a lot of weight to drag around, and "24" fares best when the show wriggles out from under it -- playing like a thriller, as the movie does, with Sutherland barking lines like "Put down the weapon!" Carlyle also delivers a topnotch performance, as does a teeth-gritting Powers Boothe in a cameo as the outgoing president."

The complete review is linked here:

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